Add/Change Information on the Email List

IMPORTANT (Please Read)

If you do not hear back from me through email within three or fours days, please email the information directly to me. Unfortunately, I believe the forms process (at least the one here) may not be 100 percent reliable.


Enter any information you want the Mid-Seventies GLA BBYO Reunion Committee to have. If there is information you do not want included on the Web list (or you don't want to be included on the Web list), just let me know in the comment section below.

When filling out this form, either use the mouse to select an item or use the [Tab] key to move to the next entry point. Within the form, there are instructions after each entry to use either the mouse or the [Tab] key. Using the mouse always works.

When you are completely done, press the "Send" box at the bottom of the form. Thanks.

Your email address: (press Tab)

Your name in BBYO: (press Tab)

Your married name (if applicable): (Do not hit return)

If male, what AZA chapter(s) did you belong to?
Ami Continental Covenant Rudi M. Hirsch
JFK Ladera Leimert Park Los Angeles (LA)
Masada Menorah Pacific Palisades Rancho Palos Verdes
Ruach Yaacov Springer Westchester Howard P. Wilson
Yam V'harim

If female, what BBG chapter(s) did you belong to?
Alliyah Angeles Ashrey Beber
Brentwood Chutzpah Crestwood Culver City
Dalya Dera Dimona Fidelity
Harmony Al Jolson Ladera Sabra
Santa Monica Shana Tel Aviva Tsezamin
Unity Valleym Westchester Yiddidim

Select the year you joined BBYO?

Select the year you left/graduated BBYO?

Your current address:

Street address: (Do not hit return)
City, State ZIP: (Do not hit return)
Phone Number (H): (Do not hit return)
Phone Number (W): (Do not hit return)

Please provide any comments in the space provided below:

Press here to return to the Mid 70's GLA BBYO Home Page.