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 Mid 70's GLA Region BBYO 
AZA & BBG Alumni
Search Page

This page is dedicated to searching out some missing Mid 70's GLA BBYO AZA & BBG members, advisors and staff. Over the years, we have lost touch with many of our friends, and finding each other is difficult at times.

Maybe you know where these people are or maybe you know someone who possibly knows where they are. If you know the whereabouts of any of these friends, please let us know bye mail to The GLA '99 Reunion Planning Committee

If you have additional information that may help others search (i.e., their married name, the city where they live, etc.) and you think it should be posted here, please e mail The GLA '99 Reunion Planning Committee Thanks.

 Currently Lost
  • Candise Reefe (who is not on the list yet) is looking for Shelly Sobel. Shelly was in a chapter in Monterey Park (Southwest Region) in the late 60s and early 70s. (Sept. 1, 1996)
  • Sheri Schulman [Kohos] is looking for Bobby Borgen from Westchester AZA. She thinks he was in from 1968 - 71. (May 23, 1997)
  • We're all looking for Noah Furie who was in Menorah AZA and went to Beverly Hills High. (February 9, 1998)
  • Lori Abrams: Westchester BBG (March 14, 1998)
  • More to follow

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