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1970s Greater Los Angeles BBYO
Covenant AZA #446 |
Covenant AZA was resurrected as a chapter in 1973 from members of Howard Paul Wilson AZA. Rube Berman, Joe Carmel, Lawrence Lyons, Mark Cohen, Ron Abramson, Chuck Stein, and Joe Ackerman were original members. Their sister chapter in the early days was Dalya BBG and Westchester BBG. The first chapter advisor was Eli Colvin. Chapter Godolim included Rube Berman, Joe Carmel, Ron Abramson, Stan Schwartz, Eddie Hersh, and Mike Farkas. Dave Matcha was Regional S'gan (1975) and became Regional Godol in 1976. Covenant AZA was "famous" for their annual Passover Seder. They used the Youth House and invited parents and friends to the Seder.
Ladera AZA #1189 |
Westchester AZA #767 |
Yaacov Springer AZA #553 |
Leigh Greenberg and Marc Sherman
Founded in '72 or '73, and named after an Israeli athlete (wrestler? weight lifter?) slain by terrorists at the '72 Munich Olympics. Founding members corresponded with his widow, who was very pleased that he was remembered in this way. The chapter did well in the early to mid-seventies, producing a Regional Godol (Marc Sherman) and an all-time classic, Regional Award winning "dirty" song -- the "Bicentennial Salute to Sex." The chapter also thrived under Harold Leigh, three time chapter Aleph Godol ('76-'77 ???), who lead Springer to a Regional "Most Improved Chapter" Award and wrote a moving, Regional Award winning "clean" song -- "AZA Brotherhood." Springer reached another high point at the '78 Convention, being selected as co-recipients of the Regional "Chapter of the Year" award [together with Continental, whose Godol at that time I believe was named Rick] and producing a Regional S'gan (yours truly). Springer also won an International Community Service award that year for an ongoing program (with Dimona BBG, our long-time "sweetheart" chapter) involving area nursing home residents.
Dave Sadwick
Chapter Godol, 1978
Regional S'gan, 1978