Mid 70's Greater Los Angeles BBYO Youth House

GLA BBYO Youth House
Photo provided by Bill Fluster

The GLA BBYO Youth House stood at 1065 South La Cienega Blvd next to the Beth Am Temple For total trivia nuts, the phone number was (213) 652-8117. During the day, the Youth House served as the regional office of the Greater Los Angeles Region with a Director and Sylvia Hirsch, the GLA Secretary.

During the week, BBYO chapters from GLA used the rooms in the back to hold chapter meetings in the evening. At night, the Youth House was run by BBYO staff, usually ex-BBYOers like Ross Winn and Andy Steiker who would open and close the Youth House.

Some chapters met at other locations including the Jewish Community Center in Santa Monica, local temples, and members' homes. Generally, chapters either met every week or every other week. The 1975 Regional Roster contains a list of meeting location and times.

The Youth House was sold to the Beth Am Temple in 1978 and the Regional Office moved to Culver City (See Shofar article).

Please e-mail comments, additional information, suggestions, misspellings, or additions to: Bob Alexander. This page was last updated February 5, 1998.

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