Courage comes from FAITH and FAITH comes from a strong
will to believe in ourselves and in God. I hope that in
some small way the following articles will help show that
life is what we make it. We can throw in the towel or we
can go on and turn adversity into accomplishment.I would
like to share some newspaper articles written about
me with you.

Mr.McCullough,is a columnist for The Cape Cod Times Newspaper
here in my home town and Professor of Concise Logic at the
Cape Cod Community College, he paid me a high honor by writing
the article below. I feel very honored to have such nice
words written on my behalf. I was fortunate enough to
have studied under Prof. McCullough, I respect and admire
him greatly

Ms.Cathy McCormick, also a reporter for the Cape Cod Times
Newspaper did this feature story on my struggle to
succeed against the odds. I was humbled that God chose
me to share my triumphs with others and hopefully bring some
hope to women as well as men in adverse situations.
This is the reason that I have dedicated so much time to
my page. My goal is to show that anything is possible if
you believe in yourself and in God.It is so easy to give
in to self pity, but such an exhaulting emotional state to
Trlumph and succeed.

Mr McCullough and myself taken
in the C.C.C.C. Autitorium after my


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