The raven flies away and you follow him till you reach a door that you 
              hadn't seen before.  You open it and what should you see, but a wild garden.

                 Here and there you see faries flittering about.  You wander deeper and 
                 deeper into the outergardens till you come to an old fairy sitting on a 
                 toadstool.  "Sit" he calls out to you.  You start to sit down and relize 
                 that you are now the size of the fairy and are sitting on the toadstool 
                 beside him.  "let me tell you of my people's past" and he starts to tell 
                 his storries..... 

                 Those who dance in a fairy ring may think they have spent only a few 
                 hours among the fairy, but return to their homes to find that years have 
                 passed and all they knew is long gone. Others may believe they have 
                 lived among the fairy for a year only to learn that they were gone no 
                 more than a few moments...

Fairy Lore

Fairy Wiles
The Fairy Frog
The Piper of Glendevon
Anne Jefferies and the Fairies
The Elves: A Brothers Grimm Tale
The Girl Who Danced Among the Sidhe
