The little man finsihes telling all he knows of the stars and what they mean. Then all of a sudden you here a fluttering of wings and the raven appears with a little woman on his back.
She dismounts and walks over to where you stand near the ledge. "has this old man been borring you?" she asks.
You quickly say no but she shakes her head and says "if you really want to hear stories i cna tell you about gods and goddesses." "Oh no no that" the old man said, but he was quickly shooshed by the woman. She settled herself down comfortably an motioned for you to sit in the chair then she told her stories....
Greek Mythology
Ancient Greeks believed that the gods, who resembled humans, lived on Mount Olympus, where they had a hierarchical society. Individual gods became associated with three main domains—the sky or heaven, the sea, and the earth. The 12 chief gods, usually called the Olympians, were Zeus, the head of the gods; Hera, his wife and the queen of heaven; Hephaestus; Athena; Apollo; Artemis; Ares; Aphrodite; Hestia; Hermes; Demeter; and Poseidon. Other important gods included Hades, Persephone, and Dionysus. Greek mythology emphasized the weakness of humans in contrast to the great and terrifying powers of nature. Greeks believed that gods, who were immortal, controlled all aspects of nature. In general, the relations between people and gods were considered friendly, but the gods delivered severe punishment to mortals who showed unacceptable behavior. Mythology was interwoven with every aspect of Greek life. Each city devoted itself to a particular god or group of gods, and gods were regularly honored in festivals and worshiped in temples and at home. Both prayers and sacrifices were offered to the gods
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus, mountain in northern Greece, 2917 m (9570 ft) high, the loftiest point in Greece, on the boundary between Thessaly and Macedonia, near the Aegean Sea. In early Greek mythology it was believed to have been the home of the gods. According to legend, the palaces of the gods were located on its summit. The entrance to Olympus was through a gate of clouds. Zeus had his throne on Olympus, and the gods feasted on nectar and ambrosia and were serenaded by the Muses.
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