Hello and welcome to my Guestbook!

Mary Davies - 07/01/00 21:21:16
My Email:daviesm@cableinet.co.uk

Nice site! Like it lots. "My" site (i didnt make it, I just go there lots!) is Seniority - it;'s, suprise surprise, a site for people over 50 like me! http://www.seniority.co.uk

joe - 09/26/99 02:48:07
My Email:towers93

very good

Wayne Whelan - 09/20/99 05:45:39
My Email:WWhelan532@aol.com

Very clever

Joyce - 06/09/99 02:36:19

Super, fantastic, incredible job!! The best part is that there's ALWAYS something/someone new to view on your site! (Even my son's comments!!) May your site keep on growing and growing and growing, ad infinitum!!!!!!!! (and, Son, use your spellchecker !!!!)

Brad Reichard - 03/25/99 01:48:09
My Email:dartmo85@javanet.com

What a fantastic site! As son or JRETAL, I thank you for helping to shead some light on her on-line family. Being across country in Boston, it's nice to know that that I can find her is cyberspace -- or at least a photo of her! Thanks again.

- 03/19/99 02:12:02


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