1. Malkuth within MALKUTH. | The Empty Vessel |
2. Yesod within MALKUTH. | The opening in the Empty Vessel |
3. Hod within MALKUTH. | The Shape of the Empty Vessel |
4. Netzach within MALKUTH. | The Substance from which the Empty Vessel is Made |
5. Tiphereth within MALKUTH. | The Empty Vessel as a reflection of the Full Vessel |
6. Geburah within MALKUTH. | The movement to fill the Empty Vessel |
7. Chesed within MALKUTH.
| The desire to fill the Empty Vessel
8. Malkuth within YESOD. | The body as an interactive machine |
9. Yesod within YESOD. | The subconscious as the conduit between the conscious and the super-conscious |
10. Hod within YESOD. | The mind as the canvas of spiritual interactions |
11. Netzach within YESOD. | Emotion as the cauldron of spiritual yearnings. |
12. Tiphereth within YESOD. | The soul as the meeting point of the Not that Is and the Not that Isn't |
13. Geburah within YESOD. | Interaction |
14. Chesed within YESOD.
| The desire to interact.
15. Malkuth within HOD. | Physical change due to personal perception |
16. Yesod within HOD. | Interaction with that which is perceived. |
17. Hod within HOD. | Defining that which is perceived. |
18. Netzach within HOD. | Emotional need to perceive. |
19. Tiphereth within HOD. | To see with the soul rather than the eyes. |
20. Geburah within HOD. | The opening of the eyes. |
21. Chesed within HOD.
| The shaping of reception.
22. Malkuth within NETZACH. | The tear. |
23. Yesod within NETZACH. | The smile. |
24. Hod within NETZACH. | Understanding. |
25. Netzach within NETZACH. | Empathy. |
26. Tiphereth within NETZACH. | Love. |
27. Geburah within NETZACH. | Lust. |
28. Chesed within NETZACH.
| Compassion.
29. Malkuth within TIPHERETH. | Mother Goddesses. |
30. Yesod within TIPHERETH. | Creator Gods. |
31. Hod within TIPHERETH. | Teacher Gods |
32. Netzach within TIPHERETH. | Gods of Love and Perfection. |
33. Tiphereth within TIPHERETH. | The point at the center of the Monad. |
34. Geburah within TIPHERETH. | Warrior and Hero Gods |
35. Chesed within TIPHERETH.
| Sacrificed Gods .
36. Malkuth within GEBURAH. | Movement in Space. |
37. Yesod within GEBURAH. | Movement in Time. |
38. Hod within GEBURAH. | To Learn. |
39. Netzach within GEBURAH. | To Feel. |
40. Tiphereth within GEBURAH. | The act of Unifying |
41. Geburah within GEBURAH. | To Do |
42. Chesed within GEBURAH.
| To Be
43. Malkuth within CHESED. | To give a physical gift. |
44. Yesod within CHESED. | To know one's place in the whole |
45. Hod within CHESED. | To Teach without ego. |
46. Netzach within CHESED. | To Love unselfishly |
47. Tiphereth within CHESED. | To be an empty conduit |
48. Geburah within CHESED | To Be, truly, who you are |
49. Chesed within CHESED.
| To know, truly, who you are
50. Binah.
| To be a Drop of water in the Sea.