The Sepheroth as Reflected in the V I AMR Statements

The tree as discribed in chapter one is one that gives expression to Spirit. (Crone)


1:3 Becoming the Manifested Power Extended, Elohim manifests Spirit. Manifest Power becoming movement becomes Absolute Spirit’s luminescence.


1:6 Becoming the manifest transformation of Elohim, Absolute Spirit's movement forms manifest sound. Reproductivity defined becomes seed. Receptive Spirit becomes Absolute Spirit’s universal blossoming Soul. Receptivity unfolds receptivity.


1:9 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim manifests the form of omnipotence. Receptive Spirit transcends materiality. H’Sh'mim powerfully unfolds universal formulation. Universal unity becomes the definition of the light of Spirit. Spirit celebrates Will's potential and Absolute Spirit’s stability.


1:11 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim defines divided will's power. H'Aretz synthesizes the sounded Will of Reproduction's universal interactive movement. Manifesting sound disperses sound. Sound’s culmination of speech’s movement manifests the composition of Spirit’s fruit. The perceptive individual becomes the adjusted crystal becoming Reproduction. Becoming primal matter, H'Aretz becomes Absolute Spirit stabilized.


1:14 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim’s Absolute Spirit aggrandizes movement. Defining the Reproductive Alembic of H'Sh'mim, eternally acting separation extends the soul. Spirit of Universal Intelligence becomes Soul’s spirit. Cohesive eternal action becomes existance becoming the unfolding essential fixing. Sympathy becomes sound’s divided accumulation becoming the unfolding womb becoming Will's new universe.


1:20 Becoming manifest transformation of Elohim, manifest Will restricts the becoming Receptive Spirit, controling individual expressed Will. Elementary existence of Absolute Life becomes material expression. Vessel becomes speech (expression) expressing primal matter. H'Aretz's Primal Matter is the new speech of the Alembic of H'Sh'mim.


1:24 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim fixes the culmination of power of H'Aretz to the Nephish (individually expressed will). Elementary Absolute Life's perception vigorously opens maternity becoming projected direction. Elementary Life fixes force's culminated perception generating Absolute Spirit’s stability.


1:26 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim individualizes the composed Determined Assimilation (H’Adam) of Reproduction's culmination. Sympathetic Singular being’s seed of assimilation becomes the defined singular being becoming reverent division. Becoming the separate conduit defining existance, the universe becoming Reproduction raises H'Sh'mim becoming Reproduced Silence. Spirit becoming the Reproductive seed unfolds H'Aretz becoming a drop of unfolding conception. Feeling conceives feelings in the primal matter of H'Aretz.


1:28 Elohim becomes the manifest transformation of the unfolding of universal life. Elohim articulates omnipotent augmentation. Omnipotent Unlimited eloquence becomes essential H'Aretz becoming centralized. The quest becomes persevering separation. Conduit defines manifest universal life. Becoming Reproduction, rising H'Sh'mim becomes a drop of sap of absolute life. Conceived feelings define the primal matter of H'Aretz.


1:29 Becoming manifest transformation, Elohim’s spirit of the vigorous individual defined defines the extended seed of the universe’s essence of achievement. Sound’s return interaction coalesces crystallized adjustment. Primal matter’s new speech achieved in H'Aretz becomes the essence of achievement. Spirit of substance adjusts Reproduction becoming the fruit of substance crystallized. Crystallized mission of passivity is existance's exalted powerful seed of eternal action.

The second tree starts in Chokmah. It expresses the path of the Questing Daughter.


3:1 Becoming real, the elemental quest of absolute life's emotions becomes the universe. Interactive achievement of elementary life characterizes abundant nature. Adjusting the composed quest, Ihoah Elohim becomes manifest transformation of El H'Aeshah. Causing joyful transformation, Elohim's limitless definition focuses on the liaison of interactive achievement and the designed enclosure.


3:4 Becoming manifest transformation, Spirit's adept powerfully unfolds H'Aeshah. Limitless enhanced definition defines transcendence becoming individual.


3:9 Becoming the image of Ihoah Elohim’s powerful unfolding, Determined Assimilation (H’Adam) becomes the manifest transformation of the liaison of desire and synchronization.


3:10 Becoming manifest transformation, essential formulated mission is complete vibrational celebration of the enclosure that becomes the virtuous focused vessel. Reverence aggrandizes individual Joy, becoming the identification of progression.


3:11 Becoming manifest transformation, passive thought's active mission of Joyous growth projects identity to universal life. Vigorous substance’s powerful control becomes the manifest defined border unfolding. Gently defined manifest focus of the unfolding Buddha executes definition.


3:12 Becoming manifest transformation, H’Adam and H’Aeshah adjust the portion character of gravity’s divided decision. Portional vigorous cohesion qualifies spirit’s substance becoming execution.


3:13 Becoming manifest transformation, Ihoah Elohim unfolds Voliton Quest’s maternal joining. Composed manifestation fixes defined transformation of H’Aeshah’s spiritual adept. Spirit measures the body of intellect’s execution.


3:14 Becoming manifest transformation, Ihoah Elohim powerfully unfolds spirit’s Adept. Joyful composition manifests definition joining direct movement becoming light. The character of interactive achievement of the Spirit of Silence is potentially the interactive achievement of elementary life's character of abundant nature. Primal matter’s conduit of grace is the seed's defined mission becoming art's channel. Executed achievement accumulates manifest elementary life's border.


3:22 Becoming manifest transformation, Ihoah Elohim’s real Nature manifests as attuned unity. Buddha unfolds knowledge of the defined delight becoming coalescence. Becoming vibrant Spirit's observation of reflective sap, active omnipotent evolution playfully dissolves design. Elementary life accumulates the becoming axis of elementary life's unfolding music.

The third tree discribes the process by which observing intellect is the product of sympathetic reality. (Mother)


4:6 Becoming manifest transformation, Ihoah El Qain sympathizes Spirit's freedom exalted. Fertile sympathetic reality is the mysterious becoming of observing intellect.


4:8 Becoming manifest transformation, Qain (formed trait) Powerfully Unfolds H’Bel’s (yielding) Word. Becoming Gaia's spirit of intellect, perfection’s bright abundance becomes the obedient universe. Qain (formed trait) Powerfully Unfolds H’Bel’s (yielding) Word becoming Absolute Life’s moving conduit of potential.


4:9 Becoming manifest transformation, Ihoah El Qain desires H’Bel’s identified border.


4:9 Becoming manifest transformation, limitless manifest knowledge defines Absolute Life’s apogee identifing manifest body’s joy.


4:10 Becoming manifest transformation, Maternal composition manifests defined formulation regenerating a passive identified border. The machine forms the accumulated Powerful Unfolding of manifest qualified Nature.


4:13 Becoming manifest transformation, Qain's essential Ihoah amasses the dialogue of the becoming new qualified direction powerful.


4:15 Becoming manifest transformation, the liaison of Ihoah’s mission and the Individual achieves the Spirit's vehicle. Qain returns vibration accumulate and obedient. Enhanced manifest complete Ihoah unfolds Qain purified. Unfolding gentle defined Absolute Life fertilizes defined essence becoming achievement’s attainment of powerful becoming.


4:23 Becoming manifest transformation, Joy unfolds magic becoming the temporal potential depth of the Spirit of Completion. Sound innocent becomes cohesive magic’s sympathetic synchronized powerful Interaction. Vigorous transformation defines the border of manifest desire’s quest vehicle. Defined extension liberates growth becoming the extension extraction of the hidden channel.

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