Aleister Crowley:


My 'bible'. I've used it so much it's falling apart. But I don't want to get a new one because of all the notes I'd have to transfer over. A necessary reference for anyone interested in Gematria.

Book of Thoth

The partner to the Tarot deck Crowley and Lady Freida Harris created. But contains so much more. Some of Crowley's most esoteric work as well as some of his most straight forward.

The Book of the Law

The book that started the new Aeon. The greatest riddle of our time. Revelation from the Gods? or ramblings of a genius? You decide.

The Book of Lies

Crowley's most concise, most beautiful work. The summation of his belief structure in verbal and mathematical poetry. If one is to understand Crowley, one needs this book.

Gems from the Equinox

The best of the Equinox collection. Includes the Book of the Law, the Star Ruby, the Star Sapphire, Gnostic Mass and much much more.

The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Know the man from the man's own perspective. A great book even if you don't like Uncle Al.

Main Page |:| |:| Tarot |:| Gematria |:| Astrology |:| Becoming Manifest Transformation: A New Translation of Genesis |:| Sumerian Creation Myth |:| The Thunder, Perfect Mind |:| Dance of Jesus |:| Astrological Books |:| Aleister Crowley |:| Dion Fortune |:| Sacred Geometry |:| Isis Books and Gifts, Denver, CO |:| OVE VON SPAETH's intriguing books on the historical Moses |:| Alchemy Lab's Table of Alchemy Correspondences |:| The Banners |:| The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) |:| Circulation of Light |:| The Elements |:| The Paths |:| Hebraic Letters |:| Tree of Life |:| An Ancient Riddle |:| Fifty Gates of Binah |:| Resh - The Sun Card |:| Tau - The Universe Card |:| Thoughts on the Tetragrammaton |:| Deities |:| Sepheroth