The Secrets of Dr. Tavemer
Short stories about a magical detective. Great fun. Teaching hidden between the lines.
Mystical Kabbalah
The best book I have found for explaining the Sepheroth. She is clear and concise with no "magickal" hoopla. She goes into a great deal of detail and approaches each Sepheroth from many different angles. A MUST for any practicing Qabalist.
Cosmic Doctrine
Over seventy-two years ago, beginning at the Vernal Equinox in Glastonbury, Fortune started receiving communications from the Inner Planes concerning the creation of the universe, the evolution of humanity, natural law, the evolution of consciousness, and the nature of mind. This is her record, in a revised edition, and includes previously unpublished material that is still relevant today!
An Introduction To Ritual Magic
Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks.
The Sea Priestess
A treasure! A haunting and memorable novel. Truth can be more meaninful sometimes if expressed in the delightful interplay of images and personalities. Ms Fortune is expert at both.
Principles of Esoteric Healing
Recently discovered in the archives of the Society of the Inner Light, this never before published work by Dion Fortune presents the general principles of esoteric healing. In a broad sense, healing applies to any forms of disharmony in the world at large, and therefore can be applied far and wide outside of a narrow clinical context in work upon oneself as well as upon others. The text combines a logical metaphysical structure with specific intuitive exercises that help to make spiritual healing a less random and unconscious process. In these pages you will discover how to employ intuitive and clairvoyant techniques as an aid to diagnosis and healing. This book will appeal to alternative therapists and to anyone interested in the healing arts.
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