Myth forms our subconscious foundation for the way we view ourselves and others.
In this myth, Tiamat has always been considered "evil" for no apparent reason. Her action against her agitators was reserved up to a point then certainly justified. The "good" hero used some very vile weapons. He was arrogant and got his way by getting his judges drunk. The "evil" female against the "good" hero probably had some influence in attributing a supposed downfall of humanity to the female Eve.
Genesis was first translated in Babylon about the time this Myth was considered basic "truth". Its time to reexamine our myths. Tiamat and Apsu ended up getting what they wanted. Apsu just wanted to sleep. He certainly got a chance to do that. Tiamat just laid back till the right moment. Ea and Anu both were dumbfounded by her plan. But she makes a loser her captain and puts the Tablet of Fate on his chest. Of course he is defeated.
Were Ea, Anu and Tiamat all stupid? I hardly think so. Marduk takes the tablet and precedes to create a likeness of the foundation (Tiamat) in the manifested plane. Marduk was made in the heart of Apsu, remember. So, Marduk was the extension of Apsu and Tiamat, not Ea. He was the one that moved Tiamat's influence into the manifested world. Tiamat won out.
Why bother with redefining our myths? Because our world is based on what we perceive. The world may be what it is, but all that really matters is what is relevant to us, what we perceive it to be. That is what we use, what we base our actions on, what we use as the foundation for the rest of our lives.
What we make of the world is based on what we perceive the world to be. If we perceive the premanifest reality to be something that needs to be destroyed in order to make our world the way WE want, and if we perceive this original evil to be female then it makes a profound impact on how we see our selves and others and our physical plane. It should be remembered that Marduk is really the intellect. His hacking up of Tiamat is the action of dividing up God so we can digest him/her easily. The action is necessary, Tiamat did need to "die" but its more of being translated onto another plane. "As above, So Below"
"Reinvent the gods, all the myths of the ages"
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