
How does it feel to be felt from someone in a courted love tree.
It’s me, high among the limbs and branches,
Can you see it? IT , is the passion I feel for you, and what you do to me.
I wonder if you ever felt my eyes on your eyes,
As you looked elsewhere,
Oblivious to seeing my silent cries.
I’ve longed for you for the past two years,
But you never saw,
Me, and my eyes filled with trembling tears.
Have you ever been invisible to someone you long for,
Wondering why you never got the chance,
To give all that life can offer…infinitely and more?
The funny thing, is that you probably have felt this,
And you’ve seen someone else,
But it wasn’t me, whom you’ve wanted to passionately kiss.
And that’s more upsetting, to know it wasn’t me that you desired,
As I look at you, looking at him,
Smiling ahead, but not looking behind, to realize it’s me, and that it’s you that I’d admired.
He tell you the story of the love he’s lost,
And he asks you if you ever felt, not being loved by the one you loved so much,
And you cringe and tell him "Yeah boy I do," with emotion held back at an insurmountable cost.
But you neglect to look past his blindness, and look around.
To take off your blinders, and see what eyes have been looking at you,
I dare you to look, but you don’t, and never see what you could’ve found.
You take your poem, and your story, from your own perspective, ya see?
Failing to notice those around you,
Mainly me, that you’d see, if you looked objectively.
But will you? Can you? I don’t know. It been so long,
That I’ve lost the courage and the means,
To sing you my ever-silent song.
Times running out on you and me,
You don’t know it, but your being tugged – college calls, as do I.
Do you hear my unconfident plea?
Your pathos is strong,
That I know,
It’s that feeling I want to unlock in you, it’s that I know you long.
I bet you never thought,
To look behind you, all these years,
You just believed that you had to look only at him, while it was you I sought.
But my dream never came true,
To be with you and all you can give,
I wanted you, but you had no clue.
Next time you should be more aware,
To look behind,
And take better care,
Because you never can tell,
That while you yearn for that one in front of your eyes,
There may be a better one to fit your perfect wedding bell.
I know I was, and that you missed out,
On what I’m about, and who I am.
I know it with fact, my mind has no doubt.
I really wonder If you ever knew,
How I feel, because…
"P.S. I Love You" too.