My Mind

Thoughts run through my head, all day these thoughts are sent,
And I wonder in my own world, if what I think is the real 24 karat gold.
Is the way I see things clouded somehow, by something I simply cannot see now?
Do I think too quickly and speak ever faster?
Is the first thing to come to thought, the right thing this brain has brought?
What should I think of all my thoughts and ideas, should I wait for a moment till perhaps some fog clears?
Should I trust my first reaction, simply because its presence had the most impaction,
On my mind and in this body, so obviously it is the right thought- with no folly.
But so many have problems with my thoughts and my opinions, which make me sometimes wonder if my thought should be rekinded.
I believe what I think to be most sound, and holes in my arguments just won’t be found.
But do I just justify why I think the way I do and the reasoning I have may be incoherent to you?
Or maybe it’s just wrong and I am merely right in my own little song.
Maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about, and the things I say should have no clout,
Or basis for believing, simply because I’m just a man who's bleeding.
Efforts to explain my world and the reality of reality is painstaking at best, and traumatizing when my heart has lost its zest.
Over and over I try to explain and hope and beg in utter vain,
That there will be one to understand, what I mean in this foreign land,
Called life that we've got, and the effort to explain this grand old plot,
And plan that is lain, but why every time do I bear all the pain,
I have no emotion is what I am told, and the people that say it, see eyes that are cold.
And beliefs of Ben who just doesn’t care, but all I really want is this life to be seen fair.
What people can’t seem to realize is that when I argue, I’m making a case for them to be in my shoe,
And think of how the other side of the coin would feel, and for some reason this reality, people cannot deal,
And the truth and reality I tell, is looked upon as if I were raised in hell.
Unbelievability is the look I get, at what I say when I hear lies beget…
Other lies and other tales of people, telling their own fibs and own sequels,
To their fairy tale story and how they want to be seen in their selfish glory,
Not that I don’t or wouldn’t mind that, however, in life all we have is just fact,
Now if the fact and truth happen to give such glory and truth of how you’d like to be seen, then so be and then yes, your conscious stays clean,
But what do you do when you tell the lies, and you’re no longer able to look in your own cheating eyes,
That knows your not being you, and your not being genuine, is it all simply in the end - as long as you win?
How can you live like that, in that kind of lie, where no one ever sees where the truth really "lies,"
in its own hidden bed, alone and blown off as long as the "best you" is really shown and said,
To some person who believes your facade and the only ones that know are you and your God.
Why not live how you really are, flaws and all, fearless to show any scar,
Because THAT is really you, the honest you, the person who's true,
To themselves and their inner heart, and then your own reality and truth will never be apart.
And you can live for you and be who you are, without upholding a mask to ruin and mar,
My view of you and your own let down eyes, don’t lie to yourself and succumb to the lies.
For some reason everyone needs to be seen in their own created light, so that marvel and wonder will always take flight,
And whenever someone thinks of you and your persona, and you lie to us because you have some fantastical agenda,
That would make you look better than you think you really have grown into, instead of being real and showing all that you've been through.
THAT is what generates interest, gives people their character, not deceitful stories and ideals that you claim to have which all simply do not matter.
People, instead of showing themselves, give their ideal selves to others to view atop their shelves,
And when I break down the ideal and expose the reality, I'm the asshole for causing such calamity.
If that creates trouble in your fake world, good, so be it, I’m glad I showed that your clams aren’t all pearls,
Because nobody's is, not mine, not anyone, and perhaps I selfishly desire to show you and others that I see through your artificial sun,
And the light you shine, is merely a creation you've made from all the things you see and find,
As you go through your day of wealth and see what you like and adapt them to your "self,"
Instead of making your own personal mark wherever you step, too many people adapt what they see and like as something they'll steal to be kept.
That’s only robbing yourself of genuinity, and each time decreases your own originality,
Be yourself and take heed to these thoughts I give, that I believe are most advantageous and one of a kind, trust what I say.....

Believe in my mind.