When Our Eyes Met

Our eyes first met when we passed for the first time,
I might’ve seen her before, but never had I really looked until her eyes met mine.
And from that time on, her eyes have opened something,
In me, those eyes, speaking to me, whispering sweet nothings.

Every time we pass, I feel something awake,
As I look at her eyes, then see her body, and my head inevitably shakes.
Because it knows what she’s missing and what she’s looking for.
Why else would she look at me like that, I know she yearns for more.

But is it just a game that she likes to play,
Where she’s just close enough to give me that look, but always too far away.
Maybe she just likes to torture me and laugh just as we pass,
Where my head is left in a whirlwind, and deep thinking is where my mind is cast.

And maybe she thinks the same about me, basking in that short time as we go by one another ,
She may be afraid to approach me, but those eyes keep looking for what she might discover.
I know she would find it, if she only showed the initiative and said what she wished,
But I bet she waits for me to do the same, and again, an opportunity missed.

And it's not just a glance as you look around the room,
She looks straight at me as if staring off, into the moon.
I don’t even know this girl my eyes are so familiar with,
Is she as wild as me and what she seems to be or has my mind made up some fairy tale myth?

I long for the day that we really meet and find out who’s who and what’s what,
Is she really what I know her to be or is her imagination shut?
Is she crazy and seductive as my eyes and my mind see her?
Is she willing to try to keep up with me, is she all that life and a beautiful girl have to offer?

I think it all to be true, but will she play the game and pick and choose,
Would she try to play the game with me?..the one I never lose?
She seems to be the type that quenches everything I’d ever looked for,
But she also could be one that’s full of lies and deceit, and takes and takes, and takes even more?

Regardless of what may come if we were to get together,
I still want the chance for her and I to really meet, anywhere and whenever.
Because right now all I have is thoughts and potential pleasures unfound by her yet,
And I want to know if she gets the same feeling I get, just like…

when our eyes first met…