Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mary Thomas - 12/28/00 02:11:34
My Email:rmthomas@sonic.net
Where are you from?: Santa Rosa, CA

Dearest Maggie, Your website is beautiful. Valentine's Day is my favorite day of the year. I love all things Victorian and romantic; roses, lace, hearts, etc.. Thank you for these lovely pages. Mary

tamme thompson - 12/16/00 20:28:50
My Email:liltamme23@aol.com
Where are you from?: wva

this site is wonderful send more i love this one christmas

garima - 12/12/00 08:37:42
My Email:garima_tiwari@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: JAPAN

you seem to be a beautiful person.Your creation is splendid.I would certainly use some of your art in my website.Please suggest me some great ideas for a romantic website.I am so blissfully happy in my marriage and i have found some really hearttouching p eces in your website. With true Appreciation, Ms Garima.A.Bhardwaj

TAMME - 12/10/00 22:43:02
My Email:liltamme23@aol.com
Where are you from?: ona

i love this i love to see more

Loyce - 12/04/00 18:13:19
My Email:dmcofer@cox-internet.com
Where are you from?: Texas

Enjoyed your graphics, they are fabulous. All of your favorite romantic movies are my favorites too, we must have a sisterhood going.

Gigi - 12/03/00 18:48:46
My URL:http://www.sqwiggles.com
My Email:webmaster@sqwiggles.com
Where are you from?: Watertown, NY

Thank you so much for the use of your Christmas graphics!

Debi - 11/21/00 20:42:10
My Email:ATWALLY223@aol.com
Where are you from?: Erie Pa

Love your site, gorgeous backgrounds and pics. Thankyou so much for sharing it with the world...you've brightened my day! This is one site I will always come back for.

Maggie Stack - 11/17/00 17:35:37
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Your website is so cute!

Katherine Romer - 11/17/00 00:36:43
My URL:http://www.naturesway-nh.com
My Email:kromer@naturesway-nh.com
Where are you from?: New Hampshire

Not quite sure how I found your site but it is wonderful. Just curious, I don't see where you make money from this site so why?

Maggie - 11/16/00 23:36:07
My Email:maggymagie@aol.com
Where are you from?: Philadelphia, Pa

Maggie, Just checking out if anyone had my name! Great web site. Have a good day! Maggie

Shari - 11/16/00 16:48:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/sharsmidis/sharicorner.html
My Email:sharibec@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio

You have some great graphics! What a nice webpage. I really injoyed visiting. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join a our graphics webring, Imagination Unlimited. Its a fun group. Please look at our webpages and see what you think. I hope to see you there! ~Shari~

cosmad - 11/11/00 23:41:10
My URL:http://stars2stocks.homestead.com/JourneysHome.html
My Email:cosmad1@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: USA

your graphics-web designs are just beautiful. thanks for sharing your talents with us. Happy Holidays!

Faith Weerstra - 11/10/00 15:37:53
My Email:fweerstra@triton.net
Where are you from?: Michgan

Dear Maggie thank you fo my first email from you i am looking forward to the next one.

krysta - 10/31/00 19:56:07
My Email:winnie@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ottawa


Marina - 10/23/00 14:12:49
My URL:http://wheretonext.tripod.com/
Where are you from?: California

I adore your web home, and used some of your graphics. Please visit me for a look see.What an absolutely wonderful web home. I've bookmarked you for future return visits.
MARINA {Proud Member of Random Acts of Kindness}

Hello. Just wanted to say,
"Glad I stopped by today.
Big kudos to you. Big hugs too!"

Random Acts of Kindness

- 10/17/00 00:46:07


Debby Moore - 09/22/00 04:35:57
My Email:moorefairyfolk@aol.com
Where are you from?: Sandy, OR

Maggie: I loved your site. Found it by accident and so glad I did. would love to see what you would do with fairies. hope you will write sometime. Debby :)

Debby Moore - 09/22/00 04:35:17
My Email:moorefairyfolk@aol.com
Where are you from?: Sandy, OR

Maggie: I loved your site. Found it by accident and so glad I did. would love to see what you would do with fairies. hope you will srite sometime. Debby :)

Yvonne - 09/20/00 19:35:04
My Email:Umbrasas@msn.com
Where are you from?: Chicago

Lovely job!!!

Maggie - 09/07/00 15:33:53
My Email:maggied2@yahoo.com

I was just looking to see if there was a site that had my name init and it did.. cool. Maggie

ladyrain72 - 08/30/00 03:23:15
My Email:ladyrain72@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Singapore

My Dear Girl! What an absolutely marvelicious site you have! The graphics are just so wonderful. I saw the Valentines page that you have... perhaps you should also include some songs of yesteryears to the list... have you listened to wonderful wonderful, misty and chances are... (all from johnny mathis) and what about andrew lloyd webber? all i ask o you and music of the night? have a wonderful time, my love.

dorte - 08/28/00 21:08:41
My URL:http://geocities.com/PicketFence/Garden/4225/s.html
Where are you from?: Denmark

wonderfull just wonderfull love your site Witchmom Dorte in Denmark

Flora - 08/21/00 19:00:48
My URL:http://fly.to/windypoplars/
Where are you from?: Hong Kong

Very gd!

- 08/21/00 04:22:27


Helga - 08/19/00 21:24:17
My URL:http://www.simnet.is/cactus
My Email:cactus@simnet.is
Where are you from?: Iceland

What a wonderful site, I'm so glad I found it. I will be back again... and again... and again...

Maggie - 08/16/00 01:38:57
My Email:iluvfran2000@aol.com
Where are you from?: Li, Ny

I LUV ur st. pat's homepage & all o them! keep it up!

PATTY - 08/09/00 19:27:33
My Email:Patty_escam
Where are you from?: austin tx.


Charlotte - 07/19/00 17:13:49
My URL:http://special-angels.faithweb.com
My Email:cabucklew@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Sweet Home Alabama

Love your place, you've done a great job...May God Bless

Peggy Costion - 07/18/00 12:40:01
My Email:p_costion@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Flagstaff, AZ

Beautiful pages. Peggy and Maggie are nicknames of Margaret,which means "pearl".Thanks for sharing. I"ll be back. Got here from Angelfire.

graham johnson - 07/17/00 10:19:28
My URL:http://geocities.com/graham_j99
My Email:johnsonhome1@optushome.com.au
Where are you from?: redcliffe ,australia

i love your sit and have used some of your graphics on my site .dedicated to my darling grand daughter. and my family it is on going work and i am adding and changing it all the time. i have linked to your site in thanks for the use of some of your graph cs. please visit us anytime you are very welcome. God Bless you and your family Take care graham & ann johnson

Herman Ody - 07/14/00 15:34:15
My Email:private@daiwahk.com
Where are you from?: Hong Kong-China

It's late evening in Hong Kong. I've no time to go through your home pages. I will let you know my comment later.

maggie jay - 06/28/00 01:57:58
My URL:http://surfbabyfl
My Email:gbenton.webtv.net
Where are you from?: flordia

its really nice what youve done i was suprised that there was a maggie web page cause our names arent common

ditte madsen - 06/22/00 07:28:15
My Email:ditte_ladefoged@forum.dk
Where are you from?: denmark

Dear Maggie What a wonderfull sites you make. my compliment Ditte

Beelee - 06/12/00 22:03:33
My URL:/beeeleeee/beeeleee.html
My Email:beeeleeee@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Singapore

Very nice. :) mine looks real crappy :(

carol - 06/10/00 05:37:15
My URL:http://www.angelcities.com/members/clakey/index.html
My Email:clakey3@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: washington state USA

just stopping in looking around nice site ~CAROL

Margaret - 06/09/00 05:18:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bluegumtrees/index.html
My Email:curtain@spiderweb.com.au
Where are you from?: Australia

Wonderful backgrounds on every page - & lovely words.....congratulations. I'll be back.

Marlie Makynen - 06/06/00 19:47:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/marlieann2000
My Email:marliem25@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Vancouver, BC, Canada

I loved your Valentine Page...It was absolutely beautiful. I am developing my homepage and a few of the pages are of poetry. I would love to add a link to my site for this page in particular. I hope that this would be okay with you...please reply to my e ail address and let me know. Thank you very much.

Dawn - 06/04/00 20:02:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cabin/9028
My Email:browneyes_99@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Kansas

You have wonderful graphics you did a wonderful job on them. There is a lot of hard work in them. Keep the good work!!! I also invite you to my pages to take a look around and sign my guest book and tell me what you think! Thanks!

Maggie - 05/25/00 18:51:50
My Email:none
Where are you from?: ottawa

This site is sooo neat! I didn't know that there were so many Maggies! I just can't get over this site!

Maggie Faulk - 05/25/00 01:44:58
My Email:Dazy616@bluemail.cc
Where are you from?: Louisiana

HI my name is Maggie and i was searching "Maggie" and i found your page it is great

Maggie - 05/05/00 01:40:59
My URL:http://www.dork.com/magglez/
My Email:kiwipea@pacbell.net
Where are you from?: mi casa


maggie - 04/27/00 23:25:27
My Email:tennismaggie@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: sorry can't say

I was just checking if there was a page that had my name in it hehe and now I know that there are lots

Sarah Moore - 04/19/00 23:29:48
My URL:http://www.shelbyamerican.com
My Email:sarahm@shelbyamerican.com
Where are you from?: Las Vegas, Nevada

What beautiful pages...Definitely put a smile on my face at the end of a long afternoon! Thanks again...Sarah

jonathan - 04/18/00 18:07:45
Where are you from?: dirty mexican county

i am tall. one time at band camp we all ate some food and it was so funny that i went tinkle in my pants.

poop - 04/18/00 17:58:22
Where are you from?: i am from coockyland

i like my name it is poopy i have to go take my medicine and talk to the doctor now.....he gives me special medicine

Maggie - 04/16/00 23:37:30
My Email:calgal86@bolt.com
Where are you from?: CA

Hi, My name is also Maggie and it was neat seeing someone elses webpage who has the same name!

- 04/15/00 23:15:25


JANE FRENCH - 04/14/00 20:15:02
Where are you from?: WYOMING, MICHIGAN


JENIFER O'BRIEN - 04/08/00 08:19:55
Where are you from?: ARIZONA


DD Lilbit - 04/04/00 02:12:43
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com/
My Email:lilbit35@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Texas

Your site has so many beautiful graphics :)

Sitigrl - 04/03/00 16:51:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/sitigrl
My Email:SitigrlRN@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Ohio

love your graphics and the poetry on the Valentine's page. well done site!

maggie - 03/22/00 23:52:08
My URL:http://www.maggiec.com
My Email:maggiec@paris.com/html/net.com
Where are you from?: wyoming

hey girl! this page rocks my world! your such a sly fox! and i luv the font! and my name is maggie too! ~~~*Maggie*~~~ p.s wbs maggies rock forver!

Maggie H - 03/17/00 15:48:19
Where are you from?: Alb. NM

I really liked your cite. Thanks

dianne - 03/17/00 15:38:28
Where are you from?: MI

Being Irish I enjoy a good St. Patrick's Day Page and I will say that I did enjoy yours. Not to busy, not cluttered, nice, very nice. Thank you, Dianne

Brandy - 03/14/00 20:20:54
My Email:Brandy Wyne75@AOL.COM
Where are you from?: Central Florida (Sunshine State)

This is a very neat site. I am very glad I came acrossed it. I will be forwarding this site to my internet friends. And, will be attending it more myself. Thanks & you have done a GREAT job at your hard work. Brandy

maggie - 03/13/00 22:48:40
My Email:mcngwira@yahoo.com

well,it's nice to see you .

Marty - 03/09/00 22:10:43
My Email:arensberg@home.com
Where are you from?: Michigan

Beautiful page. You make me very envious.

Maggie M. - 03/07/00 22:26:20
My Email:maggie1682
Where are you from?: Ohio

Your site is very cool. I was intrigued to see so many other Maggies.

Faith Goodwin(Murrey) - 03/04/00 13:27:54
My Email:murrey@centurytel.net
Where are you from?: Dallas, Tx

Dear Maggie, This page is absolutley wonderful!!!I have enjoyed it greatly. I am sending this to all of my friends and family. You have made me feel very happy and good about myself and about my heritage. Thank-you so much With Heartfelt Thanks, Faith

Maggie - 03/01/00 22:57:44
My Email:margret73@aol.com
Where are you from?: omerset, Ma.

I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing it with us. *S*

Maggie Edmonds - 02/14/00 21:45:01
My Email:crazy4325045@cs.com
Where are you from?: Clendenin WV

hey i love your page and i mean when i say my name is Maggie so please belive me

maggie - 02/05/00 19:57:42
My Email:mug3@mediaone.net
Where are you from?: Atlanta GA

This is an awesome page and i love the name maggie

Brio - 02/03/00 17:57:00
My Email:britta_arvidson@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Linköping

Det är en mycket bra sida med bra låtar. Det vore kul att få ta del av det mera.

CarrieR - 02/03/00 01:37:35
My Email:clad2311@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Petawawa Ontario.

It is so beautiful, That its like I'm rich and the seenary just takes you away in to another world. You've done a great job Thank you for the veiw....

Theresa Caikoski - 01/29/00 22:26:00
My Email:caikoski@jps.net
Where are you from?: Sacramento, CA

You have captured the romance of the Victorian Era so wonderfully....Keep up the great work...

Irni - 01/27/00 07:42:51
My Email:irnik@care2.com
Where are you from?: Singapore

It's a great site! I like it. The song is terrific.

Teresa - 01/25/00 06:27:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/TeresaF755/RSDStory/html
My Email:TeresaF755@aol.com
Where are you from?: I am from the Great Western side of North Carolina

I find your site very nice and pretty. I have seen some wonderful things in my life but your takes the cakes. It is so lovely I sent quite a few friends, to check it out. Thank You for having made such a site for everyone to enjoy!!!! Thank You, TeresaF. E-mail: TeresaF755@aol.com Website: Http://Members.aol.com/TeresaF755/RSDStory.html Check out this site it is about: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy "RSD" This is a debilitating neurological disease that has no cure. Unless caught in the early stages of 3 months to 2 years "80%curable" If you or your doctor doesn't see the signs, try to find a doctor that will see the sign before the time frame runs out. "simple put any injury that puts out more pain than would be expected for the injury that you had, or sever burning, tingling down arm body or leg. grossly sever swelling, hot, cold, blotches, shiny, red skin. Signs of arm or feet not being able, to be touched by man/women, sheet, fan, breeze, or wind hurts it so bad that you can't stand it. Tell you doctor that you think you have RSD, go to my Site or any other site educated your self, and be armed when going to a doctor. ut please the most important thing not to do is, not to have any one cut on you, you get every kind of test that can be done, also talk to the doctor I have mentioned in my web site. He is the best and has studied for 35 years. He has more years on the ot er doctors about RSD. Most of the doctors now were still in their diapers when he was treating and studying RSD. He is world known for his work and studies and lectures. Again please never for get "RSD" if your pain never goes away. Help us to HELP STOP t e PAIN. Thank You for listening, Teresa http://members.aol.com/TeresaF755/RSDStory.html

Valentina - 01/24/00 08:59:46
My Email:Valentina35@iname.com
Where are you from?: Texas

I love your page and graphics and backgrounds.

Marlene - 01/21/00 00:25:49
My URL:http://www.megsinet.com/~msj1345
Where are you from?: IL

Hi, Just wanted to say a job well done. I loved your Valentine page very nice. I have booked marked you so I can come back. Good Luck! Marlene

Marsha - 01/17/00 03:21:02
My Email:MsEmmie2@aol.com
Where are you from?: New Orleans, La.

Your web pages are beautiful.

Eleanor Brown - 01/15/00 20:31:17
My Email:eleanormbrown@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: East Grinstead

I think your great in all your movies. !!!!!!! I enjoyed them so much!!!!!!!!

Maggie - 01/14/00 23:30:21
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/scully1688/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:scully1688@aol.com
Where are you from?: Berlin/Germany

hi i just followed a link..then i was here and its a nice page i would be happy if u would visit my page and if u would write me some e-mails... byebye maggie ps:i'm a big x-phile!!!

Betty Doehring - 01/11/00 23:24:21
My URL:http:// none
My Email:BVillageGal@aol.com
Where are you from?: Indiana and FL

Thank you for sharing this beautiful web page.

Betty Doehring - 01/11/00 23:22:28
My Email:BVillageGal@aol.com
Where are you from?: Indiana and Fl

It is so beautiful that I come here every day to see your lovely creations.

Jo Bankus - 01/04/00 04:27:12
My Email:jbankus@webound.com
Where are you from?: Missouri, USA

These pages are some of the most beautiful I've seen! I love your designs! I am in awe. Such beauty and grace are a delight to behold. Beautiful work, Maggie!

pamela - 01/01/00 20:55:31
My Email:pammykk1234@aol.com
Where are you from?: DE

this page was very nice

katyflower - 12/29/99 00:21:44
My Email:katydid@ctol.net
Where are you from?: ct

the valentine url was very pretty

katyflower - 12/29/99 00:21:17
My Email:katydid@ctol.net
Where are you from?: ct


nataly maggie - 12/19/99 03:05:32
My Email:maggie2000_2002@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: california southern

hey maggie what up me notting just here well i just wanted to say hi and that i like your webpage keep it up k well gtg. take care. if any one wants a email buddy well just email me k at maggie2000_2002@yahoo.com love you lots byebye k.s. :o)

nataly maggie - 12/19/99 03:03:42
My Email:maggie2000_2002@yahoo.com


bojan - 12/17/99 07:37:34
My URL:http://www.bojan.com
My Email:bm@falconfone.com
Where are you from?: serbian (homeland)

this is great. please i want to know more. i am looking for pen pal. please write to above email address. god bless. bojan

Breana - 12/16/99 02:48:07
My Email:phantacy10@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: minnesota

this was a very beautiful website, and when i first went into it, i had no idea it was going to be something this wonderful. it made me think of the love i had, and how much i miss it. thanx for this lovely website. it is wonderful work, and you deserv something for sharing it with us.

Virginia Webber - 12/14/99 15:02:15
My Email:ginnwebb99@yahoo.com

I stopped by your site from Marvel's and wanted to browse around, but couldn't because I got a "MIMEType Plugin Error" as soon as your front page started to load the MIDI. The reason this error occured is because you have this in your MIDI code..... for Netscape and "bgsound" for MSIE. Some of the older MSIE browser won't play a MIDI unless you have "bgsound" in your code. Just and "bgs und".....that's all you need. Delete the reference to Crescendo and it will still work on your own PC and you'll eliminate the prospect of errors that, in most instances, can cause a visitor Windows to close out completely. I really would have like to s e your site, but I'm not willing to take a chance on Windows closing and the constant error msgs. is a nuisance.

- 12/01/99 03:00:19


linda - 11/28/99 07:08:17
Where are you from?: new mexico

it was very well done!!! and very impressive. i loved the music even though it did remind me that christmas is just around the corner!!! ;O)

Les & Debbie Smith - 11/21/99 00:47:33
My Email:ldgsmith@aol.com
Where are you from?: Morganton NC

Beautiful web page. We publish local holiday guide in Burke County. Home based business ...Just us two!

spoiled - 11/16/99 03:11:18
My URL:http://www2.whidbey.net/halfpint
My Email:halfpint@whidbey.net
Where are you from?: Washington State

Love your page really enjoyed my visit thank you very much *smiles Spoiled

jasmina opawa - 11/12/99 21:37:35
My Email:jasmina@opawa.at
Where are you from?: austria

Very nice! I like it

Donna - 11/11/99 03:53:17
My Email:StampMeCrafty@aol.com
Where are you from?: FL

Beautiful artwork!

Jany - 11/10/99 18:06:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/janyfred/index.html
My Email:hachett1933@sprint.ca
Where are you from?: Montreal Canada

Hi! I visit your site it is great i enjoyed my stay and i will defenitely bookmark this so i can come back to see it .I invite you to see mine .it is only the begenning and i hope you find it relaxing.Jany

birdshit - 11/09/99 22:11:12
My Email:pennywise
Where are you from?: up around your hiney

your page is full of caca

megan suzanne - 11/05/99 21:13:30
My Email:cutmk@gateway.net
Where are you from?: las vegas


Catherine Stanek - 11/03/99 00:07:19
My Email:cissy5555@aol.com
Where are you from?: Appleton WI


Bonny Sweat - 10/27/99 00:38:53
My URL:http://www.clynx.com/sweatbj
My Email:sweatbj@clynx.com
Where are you from?: South Carolina

Really great page. Happy Holidays and God bless!

Edward Mitchell - 10/26/99 00:49:04
My Email:emitchell@acncanada.net
Where are you from?: Beauport ' P.Q. Can

I just discovered your site tonight. I'm sure I will enjoy using it. Thank you very much Ed Mitchell

WereDog - 10/25/99 21:28:15
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/7416
My Email:fullm00n@usa.net
Where are you from?: 'Salem's Lot

What a howling good Hallowe'en site you have created, Maggie! I really enjoyed sinking my teeth into it! I'd like to invite you to visit a grrreat cybercompetition, the CryptWars. You may visit here: http://www.cryptwars.com/ I hope to hear from you soon. Keep up the ghoulish work!

Bianca - 10/25/99 01:53:54
My URL:http://membres.tripod.fr/Biancapoesie/
My Email:bouba@total.net
Where are you from?: Montreal

Congratulations for your site. I loved it. It's a wonderful one. BRAVO

Chunky Monkey - 10/24/99 00:15:36
My Email:Juliaish@aol.com
Where are you from?: Never Never Land

It's a really awesome web pagewho ever actually made it . and I think I'll take some of you ideas for my own .bye

Arlena - 10/23/99 05:04:50
My URL:http://www.west.net/~mouse
My Email:mouse@west.net
Where are you from?: Santa Barbara, CA USA

Cute page. I was brought here by the Halloween's Ring of Terror WebRing. I love the Monster Mash song!! If you get a chance, drop by my site, we just added Halloween pages too! Take care and have a great Holiday Season!

Carmen G. Pastor - 10/13/99 18:02:27
My Email:cgpb@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Miami/ PR

one of the most exquisite romantic sites I have ever seen. My congratulations to a truly inspirong site

- 10/06/99 22:35:04


Isis Rodriguez - 09/23/99 17:47:53
My Email:Isiaca_Love@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Puerto Rico

This page is beautiful.I realy enjoy it.

Computer Queen - 09/18/99 19:20:12
Where are you from?: Mississippi, USA

Hello! This is a very pretty web site. My name is Maggie, too, but I sign guest books under the name 'Computer Queen.' So if you are ever reading a guest book and you see that some one called Computer Queen signed it, that person just might be me!

'Net Serfur - 09/18/99 19:15:27
Where are you from?: USA

Beautiful! I LOVE your site!!!!

Jayline Howard - 09/12/99 22:49:23
My Email:peeja57@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Syracuse,Missouri

Your pages are wonderful as well as beautiful.

Victoria - 09/12/99 01:46:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/7019
My Email:leecatt@indy.net
Where are you from?: Indianapolis

I haven't visited in so long so thought I would stop in and say hi. Your holiday pages are great, loved them. See ya later. Victoria

Cindy Meyer - 08/11/99 01:29:00
My Email:sidney115@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Wyoming

Beautiful,Beuatiful! Very well done.

Peggy White - 08/10/99 03:19:34
My Email:pegwhite9@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: Georgia

I frequently visit, you're site is a wonderful place to visit. I'd love to have a web page like this but I have no idea how to begin. I particularly enjoy the angels, brides and actually just everything. Visit you again soon. My very best to you.

Peggy White - 08/10/99 03:19:09
My Email:pegwhite9@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: Georgia

I frequently visit, you're site is a wonderful place to visit. I'd love to have a web page like this but I have no idea how to begin. I particularly enjoy the angels, brides and actually just everything. Visit you again soon. My very best to you.

heather - 08/10/99 02:30:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Park/3348
My Email:nitsug953@usa.net
Where are you from?: boston

great page! I wish I could use that PSP, but I am a clutz and can't because that's me! But I am sure glad somebody put it to excellent use! great job, keep up the good work! ~*Nitsug*~

Rei - 07/11/99 10:20:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6646
My Email:LoveMoAko@email.msn.com
Where are you from?: Honolulu, Hawaii

Wow! I love your page. Please check out my page too. Thanks a lot.

mickie - 07/03/99 12:34:31
My Email:eglas24038@aol.com
Where are you from?: new jersey

it's fun

- 06/21/99 14:22:44


ERIKA - 06/21/99 14:22:20
Where are you from?: paradise

Meggie's Guestbook is beautiful.It's the best

Lana - 06/19/99 13:59:07
My Email:ldmorales@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Oceanside, CAlifornia

I love your web site, it so tasteful and classy. Lana

Lori - 06/12/99 20:08:54
My URL:http://www.lacomputer.com/lori/index.htm
My Email:lori@lacomputer.com
Where are you from?: Prescott, AZ

THANK YOU! I own a computer business but have my own site for family & friends... I have been searching the web for so long to find things to add to my home page. It is still in the begining stages but your sites have offered me so much more. I would l ve to link my personal pages to yours for my friends & family. Some that can't design their own & those that may just love to visit. Please contact me if you are interested. Lori Allen LA Computer

- 05/26/99 19:22:59


Martha - 05/25/99 14:33:23
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Heartland/Bluffs/5197/
My Email:acorn@tex-is.net
Where are you from?: Texas

Beautiful, beautiful site. I backgrounds are wonderful. I 've spent a good while here this morning and then bookmarked it so I can come back I have plans for a memorial page and loved your angel backgrounds. Really nice.

Iris Hulda sTEFÁNSDOTTIR - 05/11/99 09:57:55
Where are you from?: iCELAND


karen - 04/08/99 04:42:40
My URL:http://www.geocitites.com/hotsprings/villa/7998/index.html
My Email:puff@themagicdragon.freeserve.co.uk
Where are you from?: U.K

I love your site, and excellent graphics, and all your background sets etc....The best I have seen..

Ms. Hogie - 04/06/99 00:37:17
My Email:Youknow
Where are you from?: Canada

LOVED IT!!Could not help but sing along and laugh. God Bless.

Hogie - 04/01/99 10:58:34
My Email:Hogie @NetCom.ca
Where are you from?: Canada

Wow wonder bar! I'm impressed!

S.Raubenheimer - 03/29/99 11:12:52
My URL:http://sanjustine.www.icon.co.za
My Email:sanjustine@icon.co.za
Where are you from?: South Africa

Thanks, Maggie...it is a great page and beautiful too...

shun - 02/19/99 12:21:18
My Email:lazyshun@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Taiwan


Linda Brady - 02/18/99 01:16:20
My Email:lbrady@san.rr.com
Where are you from?: San Diego, CA


Edith - 02/14/99 00:03:11
My Email:edjepom@xs4all.nl
Where are you from?: the Netherlands

I loved your site !!! regards from Holland.

Valerie Turner - 02/02/99 17:59:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Jetty/8824
My Email:casper_08@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Canada

Great Page...very creative!

Kathy - 01/29/99 20:47:18
My Email:KSNITEOWL@aol.com
Where are you from?: KS

A friend told me about your page.

Carol - 01/13/99 16:02:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/5013/
My Email:actsm@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: NC

You have done a great job on your page. You have some really nice graphics. Keep up the good work and I will check back to see all your new stuff.

Linda - 01/08/99 12:12:15
My Email:oflynn98@aol.com
Where are you from?: Kentucky

A friend sent your link to me. I think all your sets are wonderful! I love putting backgrounds on my email. Thank you, I would love to use some of yours

beckacars - 01/07/99 05:20:23
My Email:beckacars@aol.com
Where are you from?: ind.

great send me more

- 12/24/98 23:17:57


Catherine Koso - 12/24/98 20:26:28
My Email:majorlady@webtv.com
Where are you from?: dad & mom--hahaha

hi cousin. give every my love. and merry christmas. this new toy is fun.

KK - 12/23/98 20:55:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kksch/index.html
My Email:kksch@aol.com
Where are you from?: Virginia

Maggie, The Twelve Thank-You Notes are marvelous. You've done a wonderful job with the page. The nicest one I've seen this year! KK ;-)

Robin - 12/21/98 19:31:37
My Email:rpolizzi@email.women.com
Where are you from?: PA

Very pretty page.

LeafQueen - 12/16/98 02:31:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/5605/mats.html
Where are you from?: Canada

The background that you have on your opening page is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen...

Barb - 11/19/98 23:26:08
My Email:B.poole@lancaster.ac.uk
Where are you from?: England (for now!)

Hey Maggie! I love your pages...very nice. Have you considered this as a line of work?! I hope all is well with you. Things are going well in jolly old England. Hope to hear from you!

Nancy and John - 10/28/98 20:24:49
My Email:jnpoole@msn.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

You are such a master at your craft. Everything you do touchs a secret place in everyone's heart. With the right things to say and with the right touches you are able to create something that is truly out of this world. You are truly a spirit of everyone' dreams. You make them come true!

BlueLion - 10/20/98 18:58:50
My URL:http://www.kfalls.net/~daevans/hallo.html
My Email:daevans@kfalls.net
Where are you from?: WA

Nice page. Love the song monster mash.. one of my Halloween favorits. :) Have a good one.. :) -BlueLion

Jeanne - 10/20/98 17:13:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/4754/
My Email:caronpj@MNSi.net
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

Maggie your pages are just beautiful as are you, you hot hunk of burning love! Hollywood will be calling any day now. Behave yourself and come with me to Golden Pond.........Giggle! Keep up the great work. With love Jeanne

George Cadero - 10/18/98 19:46:42
My URL:http://www.emeraldnet.net/~gecadero/index.htm
My Email:Gecadero@usa.net
Where are you from?: Seattle, Wa. USA

A definitely Cool Halloween page!! Old Fart sent me.

Kimmy - 10/18/98 19:34:51
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.con/skyscraper/memphis/639
My Email:kpiersall@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Florida

Great Page love the graphics would love to find filters, I C Q me please #13815483

Sarah - 10/18/98 19:20:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/1788
My Email:purplecrazy1969@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Florida U.S.A.

Very cool love your Halloween page oldfart sent me

Brenda - 10/18/98 19:16:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4560
My Email:bklong@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma

I enjoyed your Halloween page.

Kristinia - 10/17/98 21:01:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/8348/halloween98.html
My Email:periodotkc@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Maine, U.S.A.

Happy Halloween, You've won a treat from Kristinia's Halloween. Please come by, pick up the award, sign the guestbook, and don't forget to provide a link back to my website! Happy Halloween, Kristinia

Cindy - 10/01/98 14:49:09
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Jack - 09/11/98 23:06:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kcaj22
My Email:kcaj22@mail.icomnet.com
Where are you from?: USA, North Carolina

So glad to see you back amongst us again, your pages always reflect the beauty and talent of the lady behind the keyboard... Your site is always special! Kudo's to the LADY!!!

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