Friends: we have two parents, four grand-parents, eight great-grand-parents, etc.Each of them has a story or is part of a story ruled by the odds of surviving: in truth , they are a mighty army. Here are some of their stories, from Nicolas Marsolet, the Interpreter of the Montagnais in Tadoussac, with whom he lived for 27 years, from 1608 to 1635, and his encounters with the Recollets, Jesuites and the Kirke (Kerth) brothers, to his beloved children and descendants. You will enjoy reading the life stories of Marie-Louise Chouteau, Justine Papin, Helene Roussin or Marie Marsolet-Damours...
Names would include:
I should also be interested in receiving feedback on the surnames Tippey and Rebman
I am especially interested in the early families from Europe which came to settle "la Nouvelle-France", starting 1608. Quebec-Canada, St-Louis-USA, Acadian genealogy being of particular interest to me. Names would include among others: BLAIS* - BOUCHER* - CASAVANT - CATALORGNE - CHAGNON - CHAPUT - CHOUTEAU* - COTE - CYR* - DAMOURS - DEMERS - DION - DORVAL - DROUIN* - DUVAL* - GODBOUT - GUYON* - LEMIRE - LEMYRE - LESAGE* - MARSOLET - MIREAULT - PAPIN* - PARIZEAU - PHILIE - ROUSSIN* - ST-AIGNAN - TOUCHETTE I should also be interested in receiving feedback on the surnames Tippey and Rebman CHOUTEAU PAPIN (& on St.Louis, Missouri) _________________________________________________ St-Louis, Missouri_________________________________________________ On the families of: Atchison, Baronet, Besnard, Bourgjoly, Bourgeoys, Brazeau, Carignan, Carrière, Cerré, Chaperon, Chauvin, Chouteau, Deaver, de Maisonneuve, Duchouquet, Dupré, Guèvremont, Guichard, Haye, Jetté, Lafayette, Lagneau, Larkin, La Sonde Lavignon, Leduc, Loisel, Loysel, Masure, Papin, Pare, Pelletier, Pépin, Racette, Vasquez, Villeray.Names in bold characters are some people of this article living in St. Louis, c.1650-1800) __________________________________________________________ Many are interested in the information available on their possible ancestors, mostly their great-grand-parents. The story of Marie-Louise Chouteau and of her husband, Joseph Papin will be under CHOUTEAU / PAPIN. This information may also clear-up the problems that three generations with the same full name usually create in genealogy. In this case threeJoseph Papin: father, son and grandson were established in the city of St.Louis from 1740 to 1800....
Between the years 1740 to 1800, when St-Louis, on the Mississippi, was still a French settlement of "la Nouvelle-France" (New-France), many French Canadians from Quebec chose to emigrate to this city rather than swear allegiance to England. The personal story of some of them can thrill our hearts. Our traumas and beliefs are often the same as theirs were; who does not identify with Evangeline, a true story which Longfellow immortalized, undauntingly searching the continent for the one she loved? Is not her courage also ours? Nowadays, many search for their roots in the past. Though I believe that, in the end, we are all close family, I also spend some of my time in this pursuit. A little further, I have a query which some people might have an answer for.
Marie-Louise Chouteau, born in St-Louis, sister of Rene Auguste Chouteau, one of the Founders of St.Louis, who married in 1779 one of my family, namely Joseph-Marie(2) Papin born in 1741, had a courageous mother who braved the elements by coming on a raft, pregnant with this last child of hers (Marie-Louise) all the way from New-Orleans. Her story will be under her name, in a short while (November 98). At the end of this article is the list of the names of the thirteen children of Joseph-Marie Papin and Marie-Louise Chouteau.
Joseph-Marie(2) Papin (baptized in Montreal on November 10, 1741) was the son of Joseph(1) Papin (born in Montreal around 1713) and Marguerite Pépin, who was from Saint Louis; they were married in 1740 and lived in the vicinity of St.Louis, which was not as yet existant. An interesting fact is that Joseph(1) had a niece living in Saint Louis: Marie-Julie Baronet-Papin, baptized in Montreal on September 4, 1754 who married Benoit Vasquez ( from St Louis Mo.) in 1774. She was the 13th/out of 16 children of Pierre Papin, dit Baronet, born in 1709 and married in 1737 to Catherine Guichard (daughter of Jean Guichard, dit La Sonde). Pierre was the 5th child, and Joseph(1) was the 6th child of Gilles Papin [Gilles was baptized on March 4 1669 in Mtl, son of Pierre Papin (b.1631 in La Fleche, France) and Anne Pelletier (daughter of Mathurin Pelletier et Catherine Lagneau, both living c. 1600 in St-Pierre de Dreux, in France)] and his first wife Marie-Francoise Chaperon, daughter of Pierre Chaperon of Rouen, France, and Noelle Guèvremont from St-Denis, Evêché de Paris ( both born c. 1645) .
Pierre Papin (b.1631) was the son of Francois Papin & Michelle Lagneau, both living at St-Nicolas-du-Sable, Maine, La Fleche, France. At the age of 22, in 1653, he was accepted as one of the "recrue de cent hommes pour l'oeuvre de Ville-Marie", namely as one of the 100 men chosen to colonize Ville-Marie. ( the Founding of Montreal) . He was on the same ship and was known by both M. de Maisonneuve, the founder of Montreal, & Marguerite Bourgeoys who was the founder of the Congregation Notre-Dame and who also created the "Couvent des Soeurs de la Congrégation Notre-Dame", the school for girls. For over three generations the demoiselles Papin would be given preferential treatment if attending any of the C.N.D. schools ( in Montreal, Boucherville, Pointe-aux-Trembles) , because of the directives left by Marguerite Bourgeoys on their behalf. It was a "gage" (measure) of her respect for Pierre Papin. In 1653, on the ship, the Notary Belliotte "assermented" Pierre and he received 107£ as payment for his future services to the colony. In 1655, M. de Maisonneuve, in the name of the "Compagnie Notre-Dame de Montreal", gave him land near "la Pointe-aux-Trembles" (in Montreal). In 1665, twelve years after his arrival, he married Anne Pelletier, 19 years old, and they had 8 surviving children, but after their Mother died in December 1686, four died before reaching their teens. Marie-Anne, the eldest of these (14 yrs old), drowned while swimming in June 1687. The smaller kids died the next year. Pierre's eldest son, also named Pierre(24 yrs old), was killed in a combat against the English on October 2nd 1690. His daughter Suzanne passed away at 9 years of age in December 1993, seven years, almost to the day, after her Mother. By then Pierre had only 3 children left from his previous 8:
- Gilles (b.1669) For Gilles Papin, the second son, the tragedy of losing his Mother, at 17, and later his siblings must have had an impact on his future choices. For one thing we know that when he was left with six children, widowed from Marie-Francoise Chaperon, he was re-married within two years, in 1715, to Marie-Josephe Besnard, and this second wife gave him another 9 children which were ill-fated also.(see further down)
Just to be clear, here is a ladder following the Papin line: 1. Francois Papin (b. c.1600) & Michelle Lagneau ( La Flèche, France) 2. Pierre Papin (b.1631) & Anne Pelletier (Montreal, PQ) 3. Gilles Papin (b.1669) & 1st wife: Marie-Francoise Chaperon (Montreal, PQ) 4. Joseph(1) Papin (c.1713) & Marguerite Pepin (St Louis,MO) 5. Joseph-Marie(2)Papin (b.1741) & Marie-Louise Chouteau (St Louis, MO) 6. Théodore Papin (b.1799) & Céleste Duchouquet (St Louis, MO) 7. Marie Papin (b.1823) & Georges W. Atchison (St. Louis, MO)
A ladder showing the parents of the wife of Pierre: 1. Mathurin Pelletier (b.c.1620) & Catherine Lagneau (St-Pierre de Dreux, France) 2. Anne Pelletier (b.1646) & Pierre Papin (Montreal, PQ) 3. Gilles Papin (b.1669) & 1st wife: Marie-Francoise Chaperon (Montreal, PQ) 4. Joseph(1) Papin (c.1713) & Marguerite Pépin (St Louis,MO) 5. Joseph-Marie(2)Papin (b.1741) & Marie-Louise Chouteau (St Louis, MO) 6. Hyppolite Papin (b.1788) & Joséphine Loysel (St Louis, MO) 7. Louise-Anne Papin (b.1817) & Eugène-Charles Dupré (St Louis, MO)
Ladder showing the parents of the 1st wife of Gilles: 1. Pierre Chaperon (b. c.1645) & Noelle Guevremont (Paris, France) 2. Marie-Francoise Chaperon & Gilles Papin (Montreal, PQ) 3. Joseph(1) Papin (c.1713) & Marguerite Pépin (St Louis,MO) 4. Joseph-Marie(2)Papin (b.1741) & Marie-Louise Chouteau (St Louis, MO) 5. Sylvestre Papin (b.1794) & Clémentine Loisel (St Louis, MO) 6. Clémentine S.Villeray Papin (b.1818) & Léopo I would welcome your genealogical in-put, whether in general, or on your early family ,to include any pertinent fact here. :) We are part of our ancestors, as they are part of us.