If you would like to know why we have named certain individuals as P Heads emeritus, read on! Well, they cannot be current P Heads because they are all dead. However, we included them in our list because they have all expressed a love for Persuasion that rivals our own.
Jane Austen ... Rudyard Kipling ... Virginia Woolf ... Alfred, Lord Tennyson
There are those who say that the story of Persuasion is based on the story of Jane Austen's thwarted romance with Tom Lefroy. There are those who say it is based on the story of Jane Austen's romance with the Mysterious Suitor By The Sea. Either way, she wrote the book, she's on the list.
Kipling was a big Jane fan. He wrote the short story "The Janeites," (a group who would have approved of the P Heads' obsession) about a group of British soldiers in the first World War who escaped the horrors of war by reading Jane's stories. He also wrote a couple of doggerel poems about Jane. We think he had a crush. You can read the poems on this site, at James and Louisa's Poetry Page.
The LDC is not getting any younger and admits to a lapse of memory here. But we're sure we had a good reason for including Ms. Woolf on the list. If anyone can remind us, please do!
A man after our own hearts. On his first trip to Lyme Regis, his friends showed him around, prating on about the Duke of Monmouth, yada yada yada, when Tennyson uttered the timeless line, "Don't talk to me of the Duke of Monmouth. Show me the exact spot where Louisa Musgrove fell!" How could we possibly leave such a die-hard P-head off the list?
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Infringement will result in the Louisa Musgrove Treatment...a good push down the Granny's Teeth!