Complain here.

Killa Implicit - 10/24/00 05:12:37
subject: Green notebook
rate the site (0-4): 3.7
Dear Gutt, You never fail to set my cheeks red. I do in fact have a green notebook, but it is not the notorious one. It is a hardcover, with a swirly vine design on it. The first page says "Choice: Morality by Axioms" It starts out "Recently, that is to say last night (this is 6/6/97) actually it might have been this morning), there was an idea; an idea expressed in a new way, about seeing, or reading, which seemed to complete everything else." I would be glad to mail this to you or to who ever you think should have it. Immeasurably, B-- H-----

dyslexic sutdnte - 09/28/00 19:22:13
subject: I'm broed
rate the site (0-4): 3.99
The onyl reason I didn;t give your site a 4.0 was because it has a funny smell. I don't know if you know this and I suggest you check it out!

feloniouspunk - 09/28/00 14:29:35
subject: response
Thank you, goofy. The author named the site and added a few of his own data fields, including "rate the site."

goofy - 09/19/00 13:49:54
subject: the new look
Did you design this comment page? Most sites don't allow you to rate them. The site looks good.

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