The original intent of this game was to increase the chances of poor fighters winning, which would then hopefully increase their willingness to participate in such nonsense.
In this game, fighters are chosen traditionally. What is aleatory is the selection of what it takes to win. Rules determining the type of aleatory selection of this factor, and the degree of it would be set down prior to a particular match or set of matches, so the rules here are not as fully scripted as in the previous game.
The easiest way to think of this game is that, of all the particularly common wrestling moves or holds, exactly one move or hold, randomly chosen, will win the game. For example, if A and B are fighting, it may be irrelevant that A pin B for a three-count, yet A will win simply if he administers a chokehold on B. Another possibility is that the loser would put the winning hold on the winner. That is to say, for example, that B sweeping A’s legs determines A to be the winner. To add more depth, the determining moves might not necessarily be wrestling holds; they may be irreverent behaviors often acted out in professional wrestling, like flicking the bird, or making fun of hecklers in the audience. It may even be that some action totally unrelated to the match will determine the winner, like if someone in the audience laughs, or it begins to rain. Another possibility is to have similar moves win the match for each fighter, or for each fighter’s winning move to be unrelated to the other’s. Adding another dimension of randomness might be to prevent the winning moves to be fixed, yet the fighter’s may have some way of figuring out what it will take to win at any given moment; for example if the real fight takes place at the same time as a televised fight and each fighter is paired to a TV fighter. That is A might be matched with Hulk Hogan, and B might be matched with Randy Savage, and for one of the fighters to win, his move or hold must be the same as that move or hold currently administered by his matched TV wrestler.
The next game is an extension of this idea that prescribes specific aleatory processes.