Totally Random Wrestling-Royal Rumble


The purpose of this game is to make a mess out of everything and confuse people.

            Among the pool of wrestlers, each participates in the selection of winning moves and in the fighting, with one prechosen ref.  Before the game, each participant writes his name on an index card, places it in a hat, then draws out a card with someone else’s name on it.  The two variations of this game depend on whether the fighters know where the game is headed or not (I prefer not.)  In the case of ignorance, the participants then choose two other members of the pool, neither of which is already named on the card or is the bearer of that card (That is, if Larry chooses Frank’s card, neither Larry nor Frank can be named as the two chosen people.)  Then the participant writes down the answer to some question, the answer to which must be an action in wrestling.  The simplest question is, “What is your favorite wrestling move/hold?”  Other possibilities are, “What would you do if someone stole your lunch money?” or “How do you treat your younger brother?”  The less the question is strictly geared toward wrestling, the more random it gets.  If an answer is too unrelated to wrestling, the ref may translate it, in some justifiable way, to an actual wrestling move, or a move appropriate for the game.  The question may be totally unrelated to wrestling also, but its potential answers may easily yield answers that are wrestling moves.  See the “Interpretation” section of “The Green Notebook”.

            On the other hand, if the participants know where this is headed, all selections would have to be directly aleatory, e.g. chosen with dice.  The ref will the collect the cards and read them to know how to decide the match.  A sample card is provided; suppose the card bearer is Harold:








I’d kick him in the shins.

            The ref would interpret this to mean, “Larry wins the match if Jim kicks Fred in the shins.”

I have yet to figure out a way to make this an elimination match, but then again, the match would take forever as it is.