And you dare ask me who I am? If you still want to know the boring details, I'll tell you. I'm female. I'm in Hell---I mean Arkansas. I'm 16. I'm a drama girl. I'm unpopular. I love Rent. I'm generally either really happy, really depressed, or really blasé. I suppose that would qualify me as potentially manic depressive. I have very little confidence, I'm not that attractive ANYWAY, and my saving grace is that I'm not the type to play the ring-around-the-emotions games. I'm too obvious whenever I have crushes =(... Which is not neccessarily GOOD, but it helps out the guys with no egos... I'm not much of a poet, but writing occaisionally helps me out. I make good grades in my classes (Okay, so my first quarter GPA was 4.143...), I'm a junior, and I have dyed black hair. But since it's been dyed for a few months, my brown roots are showing. I do not currently have a boyfriend, though I was working on that up until 10:30 last night (12/10) but now I'm resigned to being single for the time being. Lessee... I think guys are cute... I love nice hair and nice bodies... They gotta either be taller than me or weigh less... I'd prefer that they be Rent fanatics like me, but how many straight Rent fanatics am I going to find?!? Bonus: I love piercings and good abs... Okay, nuffa dat... I honestly could care less what my sexuality was, I just know what I like... and I want to decorate my room and make it darker. I figure I want to paint my walls and my ceiling a nice dark color and then put glow in the dark stars all over the place. And then have a corner for a lava lamp, an altar, religious aids, precious gems, candles, gargoyles, unicorns, and the trippy ass incense burner my dear Jeff gave me for my birthday. But right now those are resting by the antique desk that I should be using for homework by natural light. I love having a window in my room, but I want new curtains. What else should I tell about myself... Let's see. I love strawberry fruit rollups, snackwells devil's food cookies, gorditas, wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches, and blue bell ice cream, though not all at the same time. I've never been asked out by a guy at my high school, though I've had seemingly a million crushes. And yes, all the graphics I'm using on this page are totally original. I will kick your ass if you steal them without giving me credit. Besides, they were created for this sort of page anyway. What else should I say... I'm a bitch when I'm PMS'ing... Bigass surprise, huh? Oh and another thing you might not have figured out yet... I don't really give a shit if I gross out someone by telling what I'm really thinking... Such as "Ya know what, I really hafta pee" or "Goddamn I'm cramping like a mother fucker" or "Fuck off" or "Jesus, I should have brought another pad to school" or "I'm using a tampon for the first time and it hurts like hell but I can't take it out yet cuz it'd hurt worse." I tell ya, I have no shame. My mother and I were at Sam's and she bought this giant pack of toilet paper... It had something like 24 rolls I think. Northern Bathroom Tissue. Toilet Paper. What's the diff... Anyways, we were walking out of Sam's with it, and my mother said "I guess you can take the light one and I'll just carry this big package of toilet paper on my head" to try to embarrass me so I would carry it instead of her. But instead, I just said "Oh that's okay, I'll do it" and then I carried the huge package of toilet paper on MY head and walked all the way to the car, balancing the bigass toilet paper package on my head and not giving a shit who saw me. My mother found that to be amusing. It didn't quite work out how she'd expected. But such is the way of the psycho named Cary. And my favorite color is black, I'm a potential goth, but I don't quite have the attitude or the interest. I do, however, adore all gothic people. Guys, girls, whatever.. That's all I'm gonna write for now.
Okay, I had some inspiration. I'm going to write an update. It's March 10th right now. Since this was written, I've had it brought to my attention that I appear to be "confident" and "out-going"... So it's really fucking strange. My friend Cassy told me a week or so ago that it was so hard to tease me because I "didn't have any insecurities"... And I just laughed at that and thought "Boy, do I ever have YOU fooled..." And today on the bus, this girl I have chemistry with said that I was really out-going and could talk to anybody. And while this is true, sometimes I'd prefer to be thought of as just the shy lil girl. And I have a little puppy dog type named David following me around at school. He's sweet and all, I'm just weirded out by the attention. He thinks I'm popular. WTF... And 4 months ago I started going to the Unitarian Universalist church, and I fell in love with the people there, and now I'm all weird and happy and stuff. And 4 months ago I also started to attend anime night every saturday night at the gameroom, and now I'm accepted by THAT crowd and stuff, and it's really starting to undermine my inferiority complex. And I'm 4th in my class of 300+. Talk about really attacking my inferiority complex that I feel safer having... *grumbles* *sighs* go fig. And fucking ANDREW (who I have such a terrible, persistent crush on) said that my poetry was some of the best he's ever read, there's ANOTHER attack on my inferiority complex. What do these people want to do??? Give me confidence on my off-days??? Oh well.
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