The oasis
I'm alone in this desert.
Baking, thirsting,
Longing for the sweet waters of the oasis.
The one oasis that keeps eluding me.
My legs are tired,
my breath is ragged,
I can feel my strength leaving me.
Something catches my eye!
There it is! The one thing I've needed for life!
It's beautiful...It's everything I've wanted...needed.
I start to run,
I don't know where the strength comes from,
but it comes.
I can feel the sweet waters already.
caressing me as I dive in.
Taste it as it saturates me and gives me strength.
I run faster and faster
legs are burning, heart is racing,
drawing strength from everywhere and nowhere.
I jump!
I fall fast and land hard
I taste sand.
Where did it go? Where's my life?
Where did I find the strength for this...
This nothingness and emptiness that still consumes me.
It was just another mirage.
I'm still alone,
still searching,
still longing.
I'm alone in this desert.
Baking, thirsting,
Longing for the sweet waters of the oasis.
The one oasis that keeps eluding me.
My legs are tired,
my breath is ragged,
I can feel my strength leaving me.
But I keep moving
To stop is to die
I keep moving to the oasis
hoping against hope that it's not another mirage.