14 May 2001 (Monday)

            Aight election day once again and I sure hope everyone I know (friends, family, relatives, office people, acquaintances) voted the right candidates.

            In case any of you guys are curious, I voted 11-1+1 — I didn't vote for Chato and Pagdanganan; I voted for Angara and Yasay instead. So there.

            I cleaned the car's interior in the afternoon and it looked like I had a workout from all the sweat that came out from me! hahahaha Ü


15 May 2001 (Tuesday)

            Hoo boy... my mom and I had a heart-to-heart talk today... 'twas a tearful day for both of us... but at least we sorted things out a bit. Whew.


16 May 2001 (Wednesday)

            Dad finally had the car fixed — for the longest time, something was wrong with the car because there's always water dripping under the compartment and the passenger's side's carpet has been soaking wet since then! Augh. But it's gone now and the a/c was cleaned as well... yey!!! Ü

            Happy birthday CJ!


18 May 2001 (Friday)

            I accompanied mom to the hospital... she had her eyes treated.


20 May 2001 (Sunday)

            I went out with Pia and Lorraine (last minute invite) — we watched "Someone Like You" (ashley Judd) in Robinson's Place... cute flick!




Come to me my angel

Wrap your arms around me

and let me sleep.


Give me silence from this pain.

Give me air to breathe


but where are you now?

you flew away and found yourself

another nest to keep.


then I died...

then I cried...


Even though,

I breathe the air you breathe

I feel the same sun light over me


You hold my soul.

Now, there is a hole


Still I breathe

Still I feel


Go my angel

wrap your arms and wings

around her...

and let me sleep forever.


22 May 2001 (Tuesday)

            Quality time with my sister... after all my routes were done, I watched "Valentine" with her in Robinson's Place — not bad, lots of twists.


27 May 2001 (Sunday)

            Gym outing! Yay!!! I had a great time! Only few people went to join the outing (dang! the KJ's missed half of their lives for missing out on the yummy food and all the fun)... there were more or less 30 of us; the resort we went to was in Indang, Cavite (border of Cavite and Tagaytay) and it was a long drive! It took us 2 hours to get there and 2 and a half hours to get back! Whew. Traffic was terrible on the way home. I was in bed by 9PM hehe Ü

            Pia's leaving for Chicago tonight and I'm gonna miss her — a lot!!! I'll see her in 2 weeks' time Ü



An ocean separates us.
No chine walls great and wide
nor canyons grandiose with emptiness
exists, only countries
of sunken worlds waiting to be discovered.

Poseidon rises before me
trident gleaming skyward poised
and demanding explanation

too many bottled missives
bearing your name
have polluted his kingdom, he said.

Chary dances another whirlpool
arms spreading sliding waves
and offers release

seabed coral endings
are more evident and clear
than insecurity, he claims.

An ocean separates us
and I have no ship
nor sails nor raft
to cross time and reach your shores.

An ocean separates us
into two distant lands
once one before the rift
of journey began.

An ocean separates us
and yet, I recall the landscapes that make
your smile
and the thousand long
shapes and swirls
that dance in your laugh.

An ocean separates us
and I long to visit your land once more.

An ocean separates us
but hopefully not forever.



Note: In case any of you is wondering why there are only 2 entries for the week of 21-27 May 2001, it's because not much happened and if I show you my real journal, you'll see blank pages on the dates where no entries are posted. So there Ü