The Perfect Girl
        I've found the perfect girl. I won't tell you who
        she is or where to find her, I'm keeping her for
        myself. I will tell you that she is the most wonderful
        girl I have ever met.
        First, a little background. I met this amazing girl
        in ???HeHeH. It was the first time I had
        been to such places. I was there to
        see if I could find such person as I often picture myself.
        That day truly was my lucky day! That was the
        day I met the perfect girl.
        You may be thinking, "There is no such thing as a
        perfect girl!". are right..but when all qualities exist.
Thats close to being perfect.
Well, I'm here to tell you that
        there are wonderful girls that exist on this planet.
She is beautiful, witty, funny, charming, honest,
       beautiful, adventurous, compassionate
and very beautiful.
        Did I mention how beautiful she is?
Oh YeaH...I think So!!
She is a
        stunning beauty, absolutely gorgeous.
Someone that can MeLt My HeArt!!
        I know all of you out there,  wish you
        could see a picture of her. I won't be posting any
        pictures of her as I would rather not see her picture
        passed all over the globe! You may call me selfish
        for that but I don't care, I love her and I want to be
        with her always.
So..I wish each an everyone of Ya.
Hope you too can find ur perfect mate.

written by: Henry Chen

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at