KAREN'S ANGEL Karen was setting at her computer talking to some people in a chat room, But her mind was thinking of other things like the church social that was coming up and her not having anyone to go to it with. See Karen was average looking not a raveing beauty but very pretty in her own way.She did not go for all the latest styles but she was a very nice and sweet girl. Karen had sent her picture out to a guy she had been talking to in chat and was waiting to hear back from him, She was hoping that he would write her back and send her his picture too.So she decided to check her mail and was happy to find a letter from him and he had sent her his picture too and WOW she thought he sure is nice looking.He had told her in his email that he thought she was the prettiest doll on earth and he sure wished they could meet as he felt that if they did, neither one would ever want anyone else. Well it did not take Karen long to write back and tell him that she would love to meet him and she thought what safer place than the church social. So she told him all about it and asked if he would like to come to it. A week went by and Karen got an email from him and he said he would love to come to her church social and they would each know the other as they had exchanged pictures. As the time came closer for the social Karen kept writing him to make sure he would be there and she was getting more nervous every day. But he kept telling her that she was the prettiest girl and he could not wait to meet her. The day of the social came and Karen was all nervous and excited about meeting her friend but she went and he was standing there waiting for her. Karen was all excited and happy that he had come to meet her and the day was the greatest day Karen had ever had he was nice to all the people there and they all said she had met a nice guy. That evening he asked if he could walk Karen home as she did not live to far from the church and she said that she would like him to walk her home.As they was walking down the dirt road to her house holding hands she felt a chill yet burning feeling in her back she did not know nor would she beleive she had been stabbed by her friend. He grabbed her and started dragging her towards the woods and he got angry and hit her and yelled at her to quit dragging her feet and do as he said or he really hurt her.He then took her into the woods and there he raped her and then stabbed her again with his knife and then he ran off and left her there to die! Karen just lie there slowly bleeding to death and crying but not able to cry out or try to get to help.Karen's was praying to God when she heard some one comeing towards her and she feared it was him coming back to do even worse to her and she passed out from the pain and loss of blood. When she came to in the hospital she was surprised to see one of the young men from her church standing there. He just looked at her and said thank God for Angels. Karen did not know what he was talking about but she did remember being hurt and left to die in the woods. Later she asked him just what he meant by thank God for angels? He then told her that he was driving home from taking his date home when he came around the curve and he almost ran into a tree when he saw an angel standing in the road pointing towards the woods.After he got out of his car the Angel just looked at him and then walked into the woods. He had a feeling that he had to follow and when he saw her laying there bleeding he ran to get help and the last thing he saw was the angel standing there holding Karen in it's arms. Karen will never get over her ordeal but she will always have the inner and outer scars but her beleive in angels and that an angel saved her life will always be something no one can ever take from her. author E Dave Tinkham copyright 2000 I would pray that anyone planning to meet any one from online will take every precation to make it a safe and happy meeting and never meet alone or be alone with the person they meet. this story is just a story that I wrote to hopefully let people know of the dangers. And yes there might well be angels out there watching over us. feel free to check out my poetry page at my main page |