How hard it is
for me not to grab the phone and call you
To tell You How
Much You Mean to Me
Today it is rainy
here no clear skies tonight
But My Special
Star shines bright within my heart
Pure joy lives
within, No words can describe
How I felt this
morning, on the phone when I was able to say,
To your ear,
"You Mean So Much to Me"
I felt Your Happiness,
I felt Your Tears, that no one sees
The tears are
not of pain, But tears of happiness
That comes from
ones heart, when they know how much one cares
How much they
mean to the one called Baby Blues
Was not feeling
good today, was having some pains, the cause I know not
I stopped and
seen the Doc, He says, "Hey, you got some pains"
Sent me for some
tests, A pick here and there
Take some blood,
take a sample
Bend over touch
my toes, (Oh no not that)
Than I wait,
for cause of pain
Docs comes out,"Please
come in we've found the cause"
"Baby Blues your
An Addict"
"But Doc I Do
no Drugs"
But Baby Blues
your addiction is "LOVE"
Yes your right
Doc, "Baby Blues is in Love"
"What can you
prescribe, Doc???"
"You need a Prescription
for addiction, Baby Blues", says Doc
"Great", Baby
Blues says, "Give me a prescription, Doc"
"Go Baby Blues",
says Doc, "Take your Friend in your arms"
"Tell her how
much you love her, need her, want her forever"
"That is good
news Doc, Think I will go and your prescription filled"
The pains are
real, in my heart
The prescription
is the best one could have
And one day the
cure I will hold, tell her how much I care,
How much she
means to me, but most of all how much I need her
And what she
means to me
When all this
is said and done I know the pains will go
Cause my Doc
said so, and I will take his advice on this one
Copyright © Baby Blues