The Diamond Sparkled Web

One day while wandering the forest of life to see all the beauty around

The trees, mountains, valleys, birds, animals and all God's creatures of life

Many trails lie ahead, low and high

One beckons, Follow me, and I will show you beauty"

I trudge along over hill and though the streams of the valley

Passing by the sentinels of the forest, the tall whispering pines

My legs grow weary, body aches, as it has been a long trail

In the distance afar, I see blinding glitter

Like sunrays dancing off diamonds

Blinded by this, I not see where I am going

And before I knew what took place I was trapped

I try to fight free, but to avail

I am trapped in a web this I see

The diamonds I had seen from afar, are dewdrops of the morning

I take solace in the quietness

And ask, "What I have done wrong?"

The sun begins to set, brings a chill to my spine

The web begins to tremble, and call out, "Who is there?"

Behold a spider, before is there

I recognize as the deadly Black Widow, who with one bite, I be gone

I cry out, "Have no fear, I mean no harm, I am kind"

"I only come to find the Beauty I was told was here"

The Black Widow responds, "Yes, I will show you the beauty you seek"

"As you're kind, respectful, trustful, and take pleasure"

"In knowing all of natures beautifullness"

And later in the night, just past midnight a metamorphosis did occur

I waited anxiously, as the minutes passed, till all was done

And before my very eyes the Beauty I did see

She is as beautiful as the flower she holds

A lovely "smile" to go with a very lovely face

One could not be blessed with more beauty than I have seen

And free from the Diamond Sparkled Web to continue with life's journeys

I go forward with the pleasure of knowing the Beautiful Black Widow

Copyright (c) Baby Blues (1997)

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