My Classes,
organizations and jobs
Fall Quarter 1998 16 hours
French 103 (5) - Scott Lubic (GTA);  Honors Chemistry I 172 (4) - Dr. Webb;  Honors Chemistry I Lab 172 (1) ;  Honors Calculus II 172 (5) - Dr. Holmes;  Introduction to Chemical Engineering 201 (1) - Bruce Tatarchuk.  
Winter Quarter 1999 17 hours
French 201 (4) - Dr. Spencer;  Honors Chemistry II 173 (4) - Dr. Webb;  Honors Chemistry II Lab 173 (1) ;  Honors Calculus III (5) - Dr. Holmes;  Honors Political Economy 172 (3) -   Dr. Gryski.
Spring Quarter 1999 19 hours
Chemistry 113 - McKee (4) ;  Chemistry Lab 113 (1) ;  Calculus IV 264 - Dr. Zhu (5) ;  Physics 220 - Dr. Williams (3) ;  Physics 220 Lab (1) ;  Honors Writing Seminar II 172 - Wyss (5) .
Fall Quarter 1999 16 hours
Engineering Thermodynamics 201 - Dr. Maples (3) ; Organic Chemistry I 207 - Dr. Hargis  (4) ; Organic Chemistry I Lab - Gary Childers  (1) ; Principles of Chemical Engineering 210 - Guin (4) ;  Art History I 171 - Dr. Graham  (3) ; Honors Lyceum -  Mattox  (1) 
Winter Quarter 1999 15 hours
ChE Thermodynamics I 211 - Dr. Roberts (4);  Transport I 361 - Maples (4);  Physics 222 - Dr. Williams (3);  Physics 222 Lab (1);  Differential Equations 265 - Dr. Zalik (3)
Spring Quarter 2000 16 hours
Introduction to Electrical Engineering 301 - Sheridan (3);  ChE Fluids and Solids Operations 367 - Dr. Neuman (3);  Organic Chemistry II 208 - Livant (3); Organic Chemistry II Lab - Dr. Frijolik (2);  Business Ethics 219 - Dr. Davis (5)
Fall Semester 2001 14 hours
CHEN 3620 - Heat and Mass Transfer - Gupta and Neuman (3);  CHEN 3700 - Chemical Reaction Engineering - Lee (3);  CHEN 3650 - Chemical Engineering Analysis - Perusich (3);  Honors Great Books I 2207 - Downes (3);  C Computer Programming  - Dozier (2)
Spring Semester 2001 15 hours
CIVIL 4210 - Environmental Engineering II - Lange (4);  CHEN 3370 - Phase and Reaction Equilibria - Roberts (3);  CHEN 3660 - Separations - Placek (3);  CHEN 3820 - Unit Operations Lab I - Mills (2);  ENGL 2217 - Honors Great Books II - Hitchcock (3)
Summer Semester 2001 8 hours
CHEN 4860 - Unit Operations II - Mills (2);  ARTS 1720 - Art History II - Gluhman (3);  CHEN 6070 - Physical Chemistry - Donnelly (3)
Fall Semester 2001 13 hours
CIVL 6240 - Air Pollution - Morgan (3);  CHEN 6650 - Hazardous Materials Management - Tarrer (2);  CHEN 6170 - Digital Controls - Tarrer (3);  CHEN 6460 - Process Simulation and Dynamics - El-Hawagi (3);  CHEN 4450 - Plant Design and Economics - Duke (2)
Spring Semester 2002 17 hours
CHEM 6130 - Instrumental Analysis - Cammarata (3);  CHEM 6131 - Instrumental Analysis Lab - (1); PSYC 1000 - Psychology and Culture - Lewis (3); CHEN 6670 - Pollution Prevention Engineering - Tarrer (2); CHEN 6470 - Process Design Practice - El-Hawagi (2); CHEN 6651 - Process Safety Management and Engineering - Gupta (1); CHEN 6420 - Polymer Chemical Engineering - R. Perusich (3); CHEN 4970 - Controls Lab - Tarrer (2)
My Organizations
Click here to visit Auburn's Department of Chemical Engineering web page...and find out what exactly I have gotten myself into.
WAR EAGLE ! Here is the Cliff Dwellers site, of which I am a PROUD member!
I am a member of the local chaper of the American Institute of Chemical is their web page.
I am also a member of an organization named SWE on campus, the Society of Women here to find out more about it.
My Jobs
(site links)
from most recent and present to oldest
Whenever I'm on break from school, I'm working at the Von Corporation in Birmingham.  Check out its website to see what I get to manufacture.  Its some pretty "shocking" stuff.  hehe.
This is my job I have at school: I am a desk assistant for Housing.  Its a pretty fun job, plus I get to do my homework and hang out with friends.
This was my summer job in 1999.  I worked at Southern Company in Southern Wholesale Energy.  Southern Company is the umbrella company of Alabama and Georgia Power, and many others.
This was my job in high school.  I worked in the Children's Department of the Homewood Public Library for four years.
My Resume