R/T Friends
Gravedigger - He's my r/t Love and Master. He has turned my life around and has made me a better person. I love Him with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I love You, Martin..*Hugs and Kisses*
poohbear - My r/t little sister. I love ya, sissy..*hugs*
Black Acid Devil - Well, Homer.. I don't know what to say, Honey. We've been through alot together and even though were apart, looks like we are still having to deal with things back home. Good luck to you and everything that you do.. *Hug and kisses*
Grugdebringer - Well what can I say.. Your a pain in the ass.. but oh well.. I still enjoy your company better than some others..*hugs*
Terry - Your a nice guy.. and no matter what anyone says, I still think you've got the X-pac thing going for ya..*LOL*
Friends from SAID
FallenStar - What a sweetheart. He's a great guy and always will to lead a ear or a helping hand. He also always good for a laugh. Jason it's good to know you, babe.. *hugs and kiss on the cheek*
Outlaw - He's an old biker friend. Great guy to talk to. *hugs*
The Crow - I've know him since I thinks SAID was put up..*L*.. He's a great guy and a good friend.
British - I think I've known him just as long as I've known The_Crow.. We've had some great times at SAID.. hope to have some more..*hugs*
Chatratt - This guy is silly, He's always up to somthing...*L*
IceTiger - All I can say is girls watch out for this guy..He's from downunder..*G*
Macavelli - He's a sweetie, always great to talk too.. *hugs*
Peepers - This is my cyber Mom..she a great gal. And I'm happy to call her Mom..*hugs*
Sailor - This is my cyber Dad. He's a great guy and i've known him for quite awhile. I'm glad to call him Dad..*hugs*
Jaycinda - She's a great gal, and one my first online girlfriends. Your a great gal sis. *hugs*
Flip - He's a nice guy and always silly. I have always liked talking to him. *hugs*
Trickster - What a sweetie. He's always trying to flatter me.. *hugs*
Sethmax - He's another guy from downunder. He's always a joy to talk to. *hugs*
Wild West Wing Friends
BlackcroW - He's a good friend of mine, and I've known him for some time now. He's always been a good friend to me.*hugs and koyc*
Oilpatch Cowboy - He's a great guy, real easy going and always a joy to talk to. *hugs and kisses*
Butterfly Kisses - Best girlfriend from the WWW.. always good to talk to, and she always fun to be around.. *hugs*
Man with a on - He's a sweetie, and always fun to be around. Watch out ladie's he's a big flirt.
Denim&Pearls - She's a great gal.. just met her in r/t in Aug.98.
Country Cowgirl - She's a great gal too, kinda crazy but ya just got to like her... I met her in r/t in Aug.
Heatmiser - He's a crazy old man, who always after the women..*L*.. I met him in Aug.
BMF aka Rat in a Cage - The very first person i talked to on the Chathouse. He's a true sweetheart. I miss You.. *hugs and kisses*
Chamber F/friends
The Administrator - my c/t Master. He and i have known eachother for sometime now. i concider it an honor to be claimed by Him and be able to wear His name. thank You, Sir. *tight hugs and soft kisses*
Halfkeg - my first c/t Master. He taught me the ways of the BDSM lifestyle, and made me the submissive that i am today. thank You, Halfkeg ..*warm hugs and tender kisses*
Lord Grendel - my former Protector. He's a great guy as well. He's also a pervert, but i couldn't ask for better Protector or Friend.. *hugs and koYc*
Ando_69 - He's a great Guy, always sweet and kind, i'm so glad that i got to know Him.. *hugs and kisses*
Mistress of the Wind - She is a dear and sweet Lady. She is beatiful in more ways then one. *hugs*
MKI aka cyberknight/ Ramson - H/he's a sweet guy. and i'm so glad to call H/him F/friend. it was great meeting Y/you and hope to meet Y/you again r/t soon.. *hugs and skoYc*
Mistress Sammie aka Samantha/ Ramson's ~sammie~ - This Lady has a heart of gold, and i loved meeting Her. Sammie i hope W/we meet again soon r/t. later, Hon.. *big hugs*
Tortured No More - He's a sweet guy. Always kind and caring, and always willing to listen. *hugs and koYc*
Master Cats - He's a great guy. He's always been nice to me, and always trys to keep us subbies in order. *giggle, hugs and koYc*
Lord Lion - He's a good friend of mine. Always willing to give a helping hand, and listen. *hugs and koYc*
Ember, Blood Drinker - He's a friend who has help me through some hard times, and i thank Him greatly. *hugs and koYc*
Ryder - He's a good friend that i first meet in the WWW. He's the sexy biker in the Chamber. *giggles, hugs, smootchs, licks and gropes*
ROLAND - He's a good friend. Always willing to help in anyway He can. *hugs and koYc*
Miss J - She's a good friend. Always willing to help and offer advice to U/us A/all. *hugs and koYc*
Chamber~Guard - He's a sweetheart. Always willing to help with Y/your troubles. and He's almost always in the rafters..*hugs and koYc*
TrueHeart - He's a sweet guy, and He likes snakes..*giggle*
DragonsBane - i don't know Him well, but He seems to be very nice..and a very good Dom..*ws*
Lady J - what can i say about Her. She's has been there for me when i though my world was coming to an end. and She's helped me with things that i thought i didn't understand.. *s*..She's very caring and a dear Friend.. thank You for everything.. *hugs*
MR GEAR - i meet Him on ICQ. He is a very nice guy, and i'm glad that i know Him.*ws*
Darkness - He's a great guy and always willing to talk and have fun with. thanks for being such a sweetheart.. *hugs and skoYc*
Jazmen - This women is wonderful, She has been very good to me and always very kind, She is my gaurdian/protector in the Chamber when Master can't be around. thank You, Honey.. *hugs and kisses*
HarleyLord - He's a great guy.. Very kind and always likes to play.. *hugs*
freun laven -My sweet and dear sub, he is one the niceset guys I know, and I'm glad to have him as My sub. *hugs and kisses*
infinity - my sister. i still don't know everything about her, but we seem to get along pretty good.. i'm glad i'm getting to know her.. *hugs and smooches*
harley - she's a girl i just met.. but it seems like i have known her forever.. she's a great girl and i hope to help her out anyway i can.. i'm so happy to call you friend..*hugs*
sister magpye - he is a sweetheart, always there when i need to talk and always there to cheer me up. thank you, hon..*hugs and kisses*
destiny - my subbie sister. she a great gal and always there for me. thank you, sissy... *hugs and kisses*
azreal - i didn't get to actually get to know her well, but she was always nice to me, and was there to listen when i had no one else to turn to..*hugs*
diamond - i don't know her well, but she has always been very kind and caring. thank you..*ws and hugs*
misha - she another subbie sister. she always there to brighten a day. sissy, i'm so glad that i got to meet you..*hugs and kisses*
mm - she's LG's slave, and my slave sister. she has been there for me when i needed a hand. and has stood up for when i wasn't strong to stand on my own. thank you, sissy.. *hugs and kisses*
~snowflake~ - shes another one of my sisters. she has always been there when i needed her, and she's fun to be around, always stealing E/everone's wallet. thank you, sissy for being such a good friend.. *hugs and kisses*
lil fly - she's a sweet girl, and has always tried to help me..*hugs and ws*
limper - he's a cute little critter, and always so nice to E/everyone.. *skoyc*
satchel3 - he's a sweetie, and he makes the best snack trays..*hugs and koyc*
allure - another sister. i don't know her well, but i hope to get to know her soon..*ws and hugs*
real live angel - yet another sister. i have only known her for a little while, but she has always been sweet and kind.. thank you.. *hugs and ws*
If Y/your not on my F/friends list, don't have a fit. I may have just forgotten Y/your name. Just e-mail me or get me on ICQ.
I just want A/all my F/friends to know, that I love Y/you A/all and Y/you A/all mean alot to me. *warm smiles, hugs and kisses*
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