Welcome to my " Angel Palace "
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~~ Jessica ~~

Today, I met an angel;
she whispered in my ear.
Revealing all the truths
she wanted me to hear.

She is my " Guardian Angel "
sent from above.
To guide and protect me
and show our fathers luv.

She has always been here
although at times I didn't know.
She's played a part thru out my life
and who I've come to be.

An angel on my shoulder,
who knows my every prayer.
Directs my foot steps,
and leads me from dispear.

Granting ... Stength, Courage and Wisdom
thru the years.
Sharing ... Joy and Laughter,
releasing me from tears.

Luv is all around us ...
Just look and you will see.
Your guardian angel tells you ...
Just as mine has told me.

This is my guardian angel...Jessica !!
She is there for moi, when ever I need her.
Yes, I see her, and talk to her !!! :)

~~ My Angel ~~

I walked a mile with pleasure...
she chattered all the way.
Left me none the wiser,
for all she had to say.
I walked a mile with sorrow...
she ne'er said a word.
She was there thoo,
this I knew...My Angel.

~~ Angel Hugs ~~
Angels are ever all around us
With luv they do surround us
When my heart is sore in need
The Angels come...my soul to feed
They come to me from up above
Singing in whispers of Luv
When my heart feels a tug....
I know, it's an Angels' hug.

~~ Angels ~~

They are every where around us,
doin' the things they do...
They build bridges instead of walls.
Walkin' besides you in time of need.
guidin' and supportin' you.
They change your world you know,
and in many ways help you to grow.

~~ Angels ~~

There are many kinds of Angels,
they all help, guide and protect.
Angels luv un~conditionally,
savin' you from disaters and tragedies.
They comfort in special ways,
Your angel is always there...
cuz they want to help and care.
If you listen with your heart, soul and mind,
You will find them all the time.

~~ The Guardian ~~

There are those who believe,
so the story is told.
That at your birth you receive,
your own Angel to hold.

You come into this world,
on a win' and a prayer.
Thru~out your lifetime,
she will always be there.

A Guardian Angel,
who will guide what you do.
Her pure essence is Luv,
sent to watch o'er you.

~~ I Believe ~~

They came before the beginin' of time,
waitin' for the mortal chime.
Hopin' that life will have sprun',
and a breath from a mortal lun'.
Mortals came and mortals gone,
they reached for the beautiful dawn.
They are here to bless human life,
and life itself.
They danced, they pranced,
and they twirled all nite.
They're here to open our minds,
and open our hearts.
Ohhhhh Yes, I BELIEVE !!!!

~~ An Angel Kiss ~~

We go thru life so often,
not stoppin' to enjoy the day.
And we take each one for granted,
as we travel on our way.

For in your pain and sorrow,
an angel's kiss will help you thru.
This kiss is very private,
for it's only meant for you.

We ne'er stop to measure,
anythin' we just might miss.
But, if the wind should blow softly,
you'll feel the angel's kiss.

A kiss that is sent your way,
a kiss from up above.
A kiss that is very special,
from someone that you luv.

So when, your heart is heavy...
and filled with tears and pain,
when no one can console you...
Remember once again.

About the ones you grieve for,
becuz you sadly miss.
That gentle breeze you took for granted...
Was an an " Angel's Kiss ".

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~~ This site opened January 1999 ~~

~~ Updated... September 2, 2002 ~~


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