Name: MaRia sHeRyLL cHeRisH MaGnaYe
Sex: FeMaLe...i ThiNk...LeMMe CheCk HeHe
Age: 16..GeeZ
Location: FrOm EaRth, In caNaDuH, oNtaRio, SauGaBaBe
Height: 5'4 and a FreaKin haLf
Eye colour: GreeN (wiT MaH contacTz) ReaLLy daRk BrowN (iTz fo reaLz..eVeN pOke My eYeBaLLz)
Favorite relatives: anYboDy wHo GiMMe MoNeY
What do ya remember most about tis' yr:
NotHIn i HaD a BorIng LifE
Memory u miss most: Da DaY wHeN meeH aNd u KnoW whO did u KnoW WaT.
Which day do u remember the most?: NoThiN....I HaVe aMnesIa Long TiMe aGo...
Guys,with or w/o hats?:
witouT HaTz..
Favorite TV show: cHaRMeD, sImPsOnz, eT DaWsOn FreaK
Favorite concert: WhEn i sIng In da ShoWeR....
Do ya believe in urself?:
No dUH
Favorite board game: ScRaBBle cOz I coUld beaT aNYboDy..oH YaH uMmm...MoNopOly cOz im a FreaKin CheaPo
Favorite magazine: YM MagaZiNe
Favorite drink: a NytHaNG daT woNt KiLL MeeH
Favorite smell: MaH owN TraDemaRk: BodYspraY cOOl BreeZe seaSPlaSh bodY spRaY