Copyright Info; Disclaimers, etc.

Contact me:

If the matter is regarding a mistake in my annotation, please be precise as to where the problem is located. If I have quoted your work or linked your page and you wish that I add further annotation or delete the reference entirely, please let me know. I apologize for any mistakes that might have been made in the construction of this site and I will be more than happy to correct or delete any errors at your request.

To request a copy of Medieval Iceland: The Rise and Fall of the Commonwealth AD870-1262 please contact me directly at clearly stating from what university you are from or program and why my paper is requested. I am not putting this paper online because it took me an entire semester to write and is my best piece of work so far. I will send it to universities where I am applying to master's programs and other places that I deem appropriate.

Any info on this site is attributed to the original author to the best of my knowledge. Please respect their work. Please see my bibliography if you want more information about any of the books or sources. Click here. The exception to this is the old english page where the material is footnoted and the author is notated at the bottom of the page.


The Following Material is Written by Me and I hereby claim copyright to all and any parts of these documents. They may not be submitted to any other institution under any other name for they are my original work. They may not be copied in part or whole without permission of me. If you need to use these papers for anything or wish to link to them, please email me about proper annotation.

Medieval Iceland: The Rise and Fall of the Commonwealth AD870-1262 [written spring 2001; 57 pages]

Quest for Truth: The Influence of Gudrud's Descendants on Eirik's Saga vs. Her Appearance in Graelendinga Saga [written spring 2000; 6 pages]

"If I have to die, I am going out with a Bang!" The Last Stands of Gisli Thorbjornsson and Gunnar Hamandarson [written spring 2000; 5 pages]

Connections in Creationism: Similarities in the creation of the Christian and Old Norse worlds [written spring 2000; 6 pages]

Beowulf: The Personificatin of Supernatural Beings in Relation to the Swedish-Geatish Wars [written Fall 2000; 5 pages]

Parallels of Supernatural Beings in Beowulf and Grettir's Saga [written Fall 2000;  8 pages]

The End of Roman Britain [written Fall 2000; 12 pages]

Asser's Life of King Alfred the Great: Alfred's Portrayal as Great [written Spring 2001; 4 pages]

The Wife's Lament - a translation [translated Fall 2000]

Also: any of the saga notes that I have compiled as you will see links to on this site

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