All About ME!

Name: Nicole Wallace

Affiliated Institution: Smith College

Majors: English and Medieval Studies

Jobs: Research Assistant, Res Life Staff, Shuttle Driver

Languages I speak: English (native) French (7 years) German (3 semesters) Icelandic (beginning level only) [also know some phrases in Swedish, Finnish and Italian. Teach me more. I love to learn.]

Languages I can read: English, French, German (basic) Icelandic (basic) Old Norse, Old English


        OK so I won't bore you with details since I don't think I'm that interesting, unless you want to talk about Medieval literature or Iceland. Then I can talk your ear off. But anyhow, I'm a senior at Smith College. I skipped a year because I had enough credits and I wanted to move on to grad schools where more resources on Medieval literature, notably that written in Old Norse, would be available to me. I'm  not saying Smith doesn't have a lot, I think Neilson has 342 books on Iceland.. but I felt it was time to move on. Nevertheless, I am a staunch supporter of Smith. If it wasn't for Smith, I may have never found my interest in Icelandic studies.

Anyhow here is some more usless information about me. Let's see how much we have in common.

Favorite Band: The Cure    

                         Favorite Francophone Singer: Kevin Parent

                         Favorite German Group: Rammsteim

                         Favorite Icelandic Group: Maus

                          Favorite Female Singers: Catie Curtis, Loreena McKennit, Tori Amos, Sarah MacLachlan

Favorite Books: Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy

                                  Favorite genre of literature: Icelandic Sagas from Medieval Times.

                                  Favorite Icelandic Saga: Grettir's Saga

Favorite Movie: Milo and Otis (ok from when I was a cute little kid ya know?) AND Life is Beautiful

Instruments I play: Guitar, acoustic and electric; Flute, Piano, Violin

Other Things you may want to know about me:


AOL IM: Cute L Bug

Hotmail IM: have that too but stick with AOL

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