Go here first. This should open in word. It is a spread sheet on which you can make notes but on which I have made notes about the costs, housing and benefits of each school.

NOTE: Geocities has pop up ads and stupid ads on the right side. Just close them. Also Geocities is having a JavaScript problem. If a box pops up with an error, hit yes or no. It doesn't matter. Just make the box go away. It doesn't mean anything and there are no errors on my site - it's the hosting service.


University College London - MA in Scandinavian Studies: Medieval and West Norse Studies

Program description: The program introduces students to medieval and West Norse philology and literature. The program gives students a reading knowledge of modern Icelandic and of a mainland Scandinavian language. Students may chooses courses in: *Old Icelandic Literature *Viking-Age and medieval background studies *Scandinavian runology *Faroese * Icelandic philology and paleography *Written sources for the Viking Age. Students can opt to carry out a small research project. The degree programme provides a good grounding for students who wish to pursue subsequent research in medieval Scandinavian studies. CURRICULUM: Students take either four written papers or three writen papers plus a dissertation/report up to 10,000 words. COMPULSORY WRITTEN PAPERS: Unseen translation from either Danish or Norwegian or Swedish; candidates must state their option when entering for the examination. Unseen translation from modern Icelandic.

Website: www.ucl.ac.uk/scandinavian-studies



The City of London from the Graduate prospectus

UCL In London [map]

Campus Maps/More Maps/ Public Transportation Routes



More on the program

Accomodation Eligibility

Conditions for Accomodation

Arrival, Orientation, and Accommodation

Faculty at UCL worth working with: Peter Foote [world reknown translator of Norse literature who is coming back to teach Paelography next year.. which might be his last!!!!] and Anthony Faulkes who edited the UCL Edda we are translating.

My input: The program includes learning a modern Scandinavian language which would allow me to get into grad programs in Scandinavian Studies at UC Berkley and U Wisc Madison. Also the opportunity to work with Peter Foote is a once in a lifetime opportunity. HOWEVER I am ANNOYED at the burecratic crap that is going on with my application. I STILL NEED THAT PACKET.

Other opinions: Terry Lacy feels that while the school is good, the atmosphere might not be. Charles McNelis says the school has many resources and if you can deal with a big city, the enviornment is ok but when choosing a grad school you need to be sure you will be happy where you are. Craig Davis is surprised Peter Foote is still alive.. ok well still teaching at least.



Program Description: 1 year program: The programme offers a thorough grounding in text-based approaches to the interdisciplinary study of the early medieval period of England and Scandinavia, and provides a foundation for research work. Students choose three modules from Old English, Old Norse, Place-Names, Early Medieval Literacy and The Road to Christianity, or from modules taught in other Schools. A compulsory research training module helps prepare students for their dissertation on an appropriate topic.

Website: www.nottingham.ac.uk/english/postgraduate/ma_viking.htm

Fees and Info Page One

Fees and Info Page Two

From the International Dean


My input: This school has excellent opportunities for Norse/Icelandic Study. The program is also in the English department which *might* let me get into an English PhD program.

Other opinions: There hasn't been any. No one has said anything for or against the school.

YORK - MA Medieval Studies

Program Description and Departmental Information

Choosing York, Choosing International Excellence pg 1

Choosing York Choosing International Excellence pg 2

Post Graduate Accomodations Part One

Post Graduate Accomodations Part Two

Post Graduate Accomodations Part Three

Post Graduate Accomodations Part Four

website: www.york.ac.uk

Outside input: Terry Lacy points to York for their strong program. Craig Davis says Smith has a history with York in sending students.

My input: They have a strong medieval studies program but it is more focused on Anglo-Saxon than on Norse. However you can immediately pick literature or history which would prepare you for a PhD program later. Also the housing is awesome.


Toronto - MA Medieval Studies

Program Description

Program Descriptions, objectives, fees, health insurance etc from Booklet sent from centre pg. 1

from booklet pg 2-3

from booklet pg 30-31


The International Student Center with links for health insurance, tuition fees, customs regulations, living costs and taxes and accommodation.

The Graduate Prospectus ONLINE

wesbite: www.utoronto.ca

Faculty at U Toronto worth working with: Andy Orchard [Norse] Roberta Frank * [Norse if she is still there]

My input: Toronto has put out some great professors whom I have admired greatly. Their interdisciplinary program will allow me multiple opporunities for a PhD program and as Craig said, the diploma is on the British System but recognized in North America. Also, I know this isnt' super important but if Shannon, the other medieval studies major gets accepted we could rent a place together and practice our Latin together this summer and it says something to have a friend go with you!

Outside input: Frank Hugus picked Toronto over all my other schools. Craig Davis said "Toronto is the best of both worlds: a British System with North American recognition."

Professors I have had who went to Toronto: Michael Kulikowski [History] Charles McNelis [Latin] aka Smith hires from Toronto! :)


NEED A JOB? I did some research by looking at Smith and other schools in Medieval Studies, History and Scandinavian Studies to see who they were hiring and why. MOST professors had a PhD from Harvard or Yale. ONE Smith professor had a degree from UCL in the history department. ONE had a PhD from Cambridge in the UK. She did her undergrad at Toronto. In the Scandinavian Departments, most people had PhDs from UC Berkely or U Wisconscin at Madison. The professors at U Wisconsin came mainly from U Wisconsin, Indiana, Washington. I also noticed a HUGE trend which included one professor at Smith of PhD from the University of Copanhagen, Denmark. Scandinavian PhDs are the only ones recognized equally or higher to the American PhD.

Craig suggested that I get whatever MA I want and then try to apply for a History or English grad program instead of Medieval Studies or even Scandinavian Studies. It is however, just a suggestion.


The end

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
