The Elysium
The Paris Vampire Chronicles:
Dead in the City of Lights is an Elders game. There have been a few modification as well as additions to this elder system.For a complete list of Merits and Flaws & Archetypes with complete descriptions in alphabetical order
(all are copyright White Wolf Publishing)
Complete Descriptions (not just a list) of Archetypes and Merits and Flaws in White Wolf in alphabetical order. I am just compiling them not to have to go through all the books.
(all are copyright White Wolf Publishing)
COMING SOON!! Complete description of
ALL DISICPLINES from Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire the Dark Ages as well all 3rd addition modifications, and lesser known Disciplines (all canon)!
Paris: Versailles & The Louvre
copyright: Illus. Ken Meyer, Jr.
Paris: Versailles & The Louvre
Presently, there are two Elysiums in Paris under the care of
Xanthia diCosima, the keeper of the Elysium. Versailles has long been an Elysium, welcoming all vampires, but a recent addition had been made, The Louvre by the new Prince, Veramillsnick. As of late, since Xanthia has become the new Prince, Archibold has taken over the duties as Keeper, but remains elusive in his duties.1790 Update:
After the appointment of Madame deGuille the Torador Justicar to the position of Prince, another Elysium has been declared, Les Tullieries. Versailles at this point in history has fallen into disuse after the King and Queen have both moved to Les Tullieres to appease the populace.