Everyone has in them something precious that is in no one else.

Don't miss this page!

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For Barb, Coni and Lois

Trust Yourself

Trust in your own deep feeling

Of what is right and true.

Trust in the thought appealing

To what is best in you.

Trust in the intuition--

That says, "Here lies the way!"

Trust in the high ambition

That stirs your soul today!

Especially for Sonia.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

-- Helen Keller

Ann's favorite!

Especially for Nubby

Though oft' I feel discouraged,

I know that God is there,

And even when I whisper,

He hears my faintest prayer.


Especially for Stephanie


When I resolve into the essence
That I most truly am,
I feel a deep conviction
With every living thing.
With my identity
Is somehow in the other, too,
So that when I look around
I see myself--reflected.
Hidden in this union
Is the wonderful discovery
That if indeed the angels
Have wings--
Then so do I.
And if the essence of a flower
Drifts out on a gentle breeze--
Then so do I.
And if the midnight sky
Is radiant with light--
Then so am I.
And if the silent mystery
Somehow becomes revealed
In tiny dewdrops fair--
Then so will I.
For every lovely thing
Manifests the essence
Of which I am a part,
So beware, my soul, beware,
And move with gentle heart
Throughout this mystic veil.
For if Love has left its imprint here--
Then so have I!

By Donna Miesbach

For Vera

In the beginning, GOD. . . .

For Mama Semesky

O St. Theresa of the Child Jesus,
who during your short life on earth
became a mirror of angelic purity,
of love strong as death, and of whole-
hearted abandoment to God, now that you
rejoice in the reward of your virtues,
cast a glance of pity on me as I leave
all things in your hands.
Make my troubles your own,
speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate,
who flower of special love you were-
to the Queen of Heaven "who smiled on you
at the dawn of life." Beg her as Queen of
the heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her
powerful intercession the grace I yearn for
so ardently at this moment ...
and that she join with it a blessing that
may strengthen me during life,
defend me at the hour of death,and lead me
straight on to a happy eternity.
O God, who did inflame with Thy Spirit of Love
the soul of Thy servant, Therese of the Child
Jesus, grant that we also may love Thee
and make Thee much loved. Amen.

Prayer compliments of Franciscan Cards Online

For Euclida

How wonderful was the short life you led.
Though cloistered, you went far and wide.
Through fervent prayers and great suffering, you obtained from God,
untold helps and graces for His evangelists.
Help all missionaries in their work and teach all of us
to spread Christianity in our neighborhood and family circles.

For Joetta

Jacob's angels

Ave Maria

Especially for "Mrs. Rose"


The Twenty-Third Psalm

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. .

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name's sake.

. . .Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

. . .I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; . . . .

Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; . . . .

thou anointest my head with oil; . . . .my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house. . . .

. . . .of the Lord forever.

email me with graphics to: s.semesky@eudoramail.com

Our friends are angels in disguise.


Links to other sites on the Web

Anne of Green Gables - Table of Contents
Marilla Adopts Twins
Common Bond Website
Catholic Charities Search Registry
Why I Want to Search
Matt's Home Page

This is Sylvia, looking for someone special.


Weep not! Weep not! She is not dead--
She's living in the care of God.
Heartbroken husband, weep no more!
Grief stricken parents and friends, weep no more.
She's only just gone home.

Day before yesterday morning,
God was looking down from his great high Heaven. . .
looking down on all his children. . .
and His eyes fell on Sherryl tossing on her bed of pain.

And God's big heart was touched with pity--with the everlasting pity
--and God sat back on His throne and commanded that tall bright angel
standing at His right hand, "CALL DEATH!"

--And the echo sounded down the streets of Heaven
'til it reached away back to that shadowy place
where Death waits with his pale horses. . .

--And Death heard the summons and he leaped on his fastest horse
pale as a sheet in the moonlight. . .
Up the golden street Death galloped and the boots of his horse
struck fire from the gold!
But they didn't make no sound. . .
Up Death rode to the great white throne
and waited for God's command.

And God said, "Go down, Death! Go down! Go down
and find Sherryl.
She's borne the burden of suffering and fought the good fight.
She's tired and she's weary.
Go down, Death, and bring her home to me."

--And Death didn't say a word, but he loosed the reigns
on his pale white horse, and he clamped the spurs to his bloodless sides,
and out and down he rode
through Heaven's Pearly Gates. . .
past suns and moons and stars. . .
on Death rode!
And the foam from his horse was like a comet in the sky.
On Death rode! Leaving the lightenings' flash behind,
Straight on down, down, death, death came.

--While we were watching 'round her bed
she turned her eyes and looked away.
She saw what we couldn't see.
She saw Old Death. . .
she saw Old Death coming like a falling star.
But death didn't frighten Sherryl.
He looked at her like a welcomed friend . . .
and she whispered to us, "I'm going home."
and she smiled and closed her eyes.

--And Death took her up like a baby
and she lay in his icy arms. . .
but she didn't feel no chill!

And Death began to ride again. . .
Up beyond the evening star, out beyond the morning star,
into the glittering light of Glory and on to the great white throne. . .
and there he laid Sherryl in the loving arms of God.

And God took His own hand and wiped away her tears.
And He smoothed the furrows from her face.
And the Angels sang a little song
And God rocked her and kept saying,
"Take your rest, take your rest, take your rest."

Weep not, weep not! She is not dead--she is living in God's care.

For Sherryl, the ultimate healing for pain has come.

Visit again soon.


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