And here's the group i can usually be found with.
This is spring break, '97. From the back: Jason and Tammy. Next row: Ben all by his lonesome with Stephen a little to the right. Next row: Hmm... I don't know that person, her name anyway. Next row: Let's say Kelly and Hiro. (Hiro's the little Japaneese boy.) Next row: Heidi the Amazon, Josh, Bekah, and her sister Autumn, off to the side. Front row: Julie, Me, and Myke. (Sorry, it's a little distorted.)
And this is prom of '98! Front row: Josh and me. Second row: Alan and Kim, John and Julie, Kelly, Tomas, and his date, Rachel, Rachel's sister, Allison, Hiro and Bekah, Tammy, and Susan. Third row: Eric, Susan's brother, Heidi the Amazon at an enormus 6'3", Aaron, and Jason.
This is my friend... best friend and boyfriend. His name is Jacob. I love you, sweetheart! O:)

And these are my Muskateers... girls and guy counterparts. Me, Rachel, Josh, Jason, Bekah, and Hiro.

This is my friend Susan... up close and personal.

This is Brian. Hello Brian. He moved to Ohio and I miss him. He plays tuba too, so he's cool!

This is me and my beautiful roommate Mandi.

And this is Jayne, my other roommate. (Hands off Ben!) And she's Australian, too!

This is Jaime, my RA, and Courtney. The play guitar and have named their guitars Bernie and Alexus, but i have no clue which one is which!

These are a few of the girls on my hall. Sheree, Amy Schipper, April, and Jen.

This is a picture of some of the girls on my hall before a concert. Front(left to right):April, Christa, Keri, and Sheree (gangsta'!) Second Row: Lisa, Mandi, and Amy Riley (the prophetic girl!) Third Row: Amanda, Jen, Courtney, Lindsay, Heidi Fourth Row:Jayne, me and Melissa

And yet another picture of the girls on my hall. It was taken at the Christmas Banquet for my school. First Row(again, left to right): Keri, Lisa, Mindy, Leah, Amy, Faith and Christa. Second Row: Jayne, Heidi, Melissa, Mandi, Lindsay, Jen and Amanda.