<bgsound src="poweroflove.mid" loop=infinite>

A Rose A Day For A Special

I've never seen God
but I know how I feel.
It's people like you
who make Him so real.
God doesn't ask me
to weep when I pray,
It seems that I pass Him
so often each day
In the faces of people
I meet on my way.
He's the stars in the heaven,
a smile on some face,
A leaf on a tree,
or a rose in a vase.
He's winter and autumn
and summer and spring,
In short, God is every
real and wonderful thing.
I wish I might meet Him
much more than I do,
I would if there were
more people like you.

Friendship without self-interest is one
of the rare and beautiful things of life.

Have a Great Day!!

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