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Ageless Love Credits
Songs and lyrics by Benjamin Devey
Benjamin Devey: vocals, guitar, keyboards
on Ageless Love, Don't Be Afraid
Kelly Brown: arrangements, keyboards for
all songs
Michael Dowdle: guitars for all songs, mandolin
on Everything
Todd Sorenson: drums, percussion for all
songs (except Minstrel's Song)
Jim Stout: fretless bass for all songs
Rodney Johnston: vocals on: Minstrel's Song,
Then,Think of You, Dream's End
Stephanie Young: vocals, background vocals
on: Coming Dusk, Ageless Love, Everything
Julie Larsen: vocals on: If There Were Love,
Freedom's Wings
Timothy Wilson: arrangements, keyboards
on: If There Were Love, Minstrel's Song
John Heron: percussion on: Minstrel's Song,
Vince Frates: keyboards on: Everything
All songs ©1997 by Benjamin Devey
Recorded by Kelly Brown Studios:
Album percussion sessions; all recording for Ageless Love, Don't Be
Afraid; instrumentals for: Minstrel's Song, Think of You, Then, Dream's
End; instrumentals and vocals for Coming Dusk, Everything, piano for If
There Were Love
Recorded by Timothy Wilson at Southeast Studios:
Freedom's Wings, If There Were Love; guitar for Coming Dusk; vocals
for: Minstrel's Song, Think of You, Then, Dream's End; Rhodes piano and
rhythm guitar for Everything
Engineered, mixed and mastered by Kelly Brown Studios
Photography and album design Benjamin Devey
Cover model Robin Devey
with thanks to:
Robin, my Love, my everything
Nathan, Justin and Stephen
Mom, Dad and our extended tribe
All my life-long friends too numerous to list
God and Jesus, for life and meaning
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