Copyright (c) 1999 by Benjamin Devey. All rights
preventing you from achieving your dreams?
If you answered "time," you may already be on
the track to making your dreams come true. If you answered "fear," you
probably recognize that fear is one of the greatest challenges we all face--more
about that in a moment.
Time is the tool we all use constantly, whether
or not we recognize it.
Anything worthwhile will require both time and
energy. The worthier the endeavor, the effort to achieve it will be exponentially
Maintaining loving relationships is a discipline
that requires effort, attention and commitment. Lasting love grows from
sincere efforts devoted over time. The short-lived, love-at-first-sight
variety of affection has to pass the same test of endurance. It's pure
fantasy for anyone to believe he can enter and maintain relationships with
minimal effort.
What is the major barrier in life and relationships?
Control, deceit, anger, covenant breaking, neglect
and abuse all stem from insecurity. When a person fears loss of love, his
actions become self-centered. This inward focus is incompatible with love.
John reminds us that there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out
fear. He that fears is not made perfect in love.
The word fear has changed from its original meaning.
The Old English "faer" referred to ambush or a disaster suffered. The meaning
shifted to the dread of an event. The Sanskrit "per" meant to go through.
If you think about it, fear never looks the same after you've passed through
Mark Twain said, "I have been through some terrible
things in my life, some of which actually happened."
Fear doesn't change facts--it obscures clear vision.
Fear is usually a distortion of reality. Dread of an event magnifies its
dangers and pitfalls and minimizes any benefits that might come. A person
acting out of apprehension wastes energy in worry. His efforts are misplaced
on self-preservation and unnecessary contingencies.
A dread is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A fearful
person avoids reality in many ways. He will avoid confrontation, use blame
and intimidation and use fantasy as an escape, rather than deal with real
issues. All of these tactics lead to the breakdown that erodes love and
Love is an act of affirmation. Paul told Timothy,
"God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and
of a sound mind."
Don't let fear rob you of your dreams.