Copyright (c) 2000 by Benjamin Devey. All rights
you know the depiction of Salieri in Amadeus? I hate to admit it,
but that's me. You might be thinking, "Not me. I'm not the jealous type."
If that's true, great! Write an e-mail to let us know how you do it, then
go out and do some good. However, if you suspect that there might be a
bit of Salieri in your heart, stick around, and we'll look at one of the
ways people sabotage their relationships.
There is a moment in Amadeus when Salieri
recognizes he has been blessed with just enough talent to recognize true
genius. Speaking as an amateur musician with no formal training, I have
gained what little skill I have the hard way. I feel a compelling drive
to learn everything I can about music. Everything--it's a curse! I recognize
what a distant goal I've set for myself. And I realize how far short my
efforts fall.
You see, I believe that music can bring the Holy
Spirit and spiritual healing into hearts. And it can also do the opposite.
There's a lot of great, uplifting music everywhere you look. But there’s
a whole lot of bad stuff too. Sometimes finding great music is like taking
a dive into an outhouse to retrieve your wife's lost wedding ring.
Yikes! Where am I going with that analogy? This
is where jealousy fits in. When I see what becomes popular, I cannot imagine
the departed great composers appreciatively tapping the beat in their graves.
Many of the world's best hits -- and I don't mean next week's top 40 --
are virtually ignored. An uplifting message stands little chance of getting
in, much less of making much of a difference in the industry.
There. Do I sound jealous? I admit it. Does it
do a bit of good? No.
I bring up this topic because I recognize these
feelings in myself. No one else's actions have prompted me to write this
article. I recognize that to whatever extent my emotions are prompted by
envy, I am not true to principles of love. That might also be true for
anyone else who is willing to take an honest look inside.
I remember (when I was single) having feelings
that I can only describe as jealousy. I would envy other singles who were
not encumbered with kids. It seems petty to read it in print, but there
I was. Poor me, having to take care of three boys, while others flitted
about without a care in the world.
Jealousy comes in many different shades. Singles
may be jealous of a society that seems geared toward married couples and
families. Married couples may envy the unfettered lifestyle of swinging
singles. Or someone might feel that someone else has more love, better
circumstances, a nicer figure, a cooler cell phone or more luxuries. Envy,
in any of its earthly forms, serves no great purpose.
Then why talk about it in Learning Love and Life?
Because jealousy does affect our ability to relate with others with healthy
Jealousy stems from the viewpoint that life is
unfair. It is a selfish perspective that, contrary to the way it looks,
focuses inward at what is lacking in our own life. Envy is looking at someone
else with the mistaken idea that he or she doesn't deserve something as
much as I do. It's a simplistic view that distorts one's vision. This narrow
perception magnifies the other's vices and discounts any good traits.
Self-pity is also a form of envy. At a first glance,
this might not seem to ring true. But people who are wrapped up in their
own problems are not as able as they could be to help and serve others
in their difficulties. Our relationships depend on our ability to shed
our selfishness long enough to care about others.
Here's a test you can take to measure whether
you might be jealous. Whenever you feel a reaction of dislike for someone,
step back for just a minute. Imagine a red flag waving you off to the sidelines.
Ask yourself, "Are my feelings about this person congruent with my belief
that he or she is a child of God? If not, how are my emotions distorting
my reactions?" If you discover that your reaction was predetermined before
you had considered anything about the individual, you may be jealous.
Lucifer, who became jealous of God, rebelled and
has been trying to thwart God's plan ever since. This is an archetype of
where jealousy leads. Often when romance turns sour, people turn around
and want to destroy each other. Some people, who have lost their faith,
turn against gospel principles or use their energy to attack religion.
Jealousy is usually disguised as righteous indignation. The jealous person
will justify his judgments, thinking himself in a superior position.
The cure for envy, as with several other character
flaws, is humility. Christ taught us to humble ourselves as a little child.
One of the sterling qualities of very young children is that they have
no prejudgments of others. They grow to love parents regardless of their
elders' flaws.
In love relationships, it is ideal if we can celebrate
each individual for all of his or her strengths and values. Learning love
takes some re-education and reorienting of our style of thinking. It also
takes some practice and real effort. But as we grow in Christ's love, we
may become more like Him.
Reading Shelf
I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?:
Strategies That Will Change Your Love Life Forever"
by Susan Page
I found several valid points in this book by Susan Page. Also of interest
is her book for married folks, Now That I'm married, Why Isn't Everything
In If I'm
So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? Page draws on her extensive
experience as a leader of singles seminars and workshops. She shows that
anyone who genuinely wants an intimate relationship can have one. Sweeping
aside the currently popular excuses for not being able to find a mate,
Page identifies the real reason singles have difficulty finding love.