An Irreverent Look at Love Songs
Copyright (c) 1999 by Benjamin Devey.
All rights reserved.
rarely believe a love song. I'm not talking about all of them--in
fact, there are lots of great love songs. Sadly, they are far
outnumbered by the faulty ones. Many of them are not only turnoffs,
but in principle they are fatally flawed. I'll tell you some of the
reasons why.
Just because it rhymes with "glove,"
"above," or "push comes to shove" doesn't make it love. I'm convinced
lots of lyrics are rushed at the last minute. We're stuck with
mediocre ideas that could have been refined with a little more
We've heard a refrain so many times that it
takes on a life of its own. We sing-along every trite phrase as if
the author was an inspired genius. Some of the lamest lines come out
of forced rhymes. Don't get me started...!
By the way, don't take today's newsletter
too seriously. If I seem to be venting, it isn't about YOUR favorite
love song. You can be certain THAT isn't the song I'm talking about.
In fact, I won't name any titles or point fingers, so that even
though it IS your friend's smarmy favorite that I find lame, they
will think it's some one else's song I'm trashing. We'll all stay
friends and no one will have to take it personally.
Contrary to what songwriters would have us
believe, the true test of romantic love is not the intensity of
desperation between two people. Love is proven in its ability to grow
in a lasting, evolving relationship.
Fantasy is a world apart from reality. A
person who makes an object of his love could just as well attach his
affection to a fire hydrant.
Love isn't crazy, wild or manic. Those words
more aptly describe lust and infatuation. Love can be emotionally
exhilarating, and even unreasonable. But it has to eventually come
off of its pedestal. It's possible to love in ways that are rational
and sane. Real nurturing is best achieved through thoughtful caring
for another's welfare.
Love is not a one-time alignment of the
universe that never before or ever will happen to two other people.
In fact, billions of people find ways to express love in plain and
ordinary ways every day.
Everyday life has its ups and downs. But
extreme emotional roller coasters are a sign of imbalance, not a
measure of love quotient.
Co-dependence isn't romantic. It's a
distorted counterfeit of a wholesome closeness. The "I'll die without
your love" attachment obsession is a reflection of emotional deficit.
A person with intact self-esteem will not perish over
Sex is not love. Taken out of the context of
the marriage covenant, sex is a theft of virtue. Even within
marriage, intimate relations are sacred and hardly appropriate themes
for song lyrics.
Emotions that can turn hostile never were
love. Love never attacks, belittles or uses force. Abuse disguised as
love is a dangerous deception.
When I was attending singles dances, I
didn't feel right dancing to certain songs. Promiscuous songs were
out. But on the other end of the spectrum, songs that pledged eternal
devotion sent a wrong message in the context of "Hi, I'm glad to meet
you. Would you like to dance?" The setting of music is just as
important as the message.
Many songs that promise dedication come from
serial monogamists, who cast off one "only one" after another.
Devotion is a good idea. It's the loose interpretation of "sticking
around until things change" that is bad execution.
A soul mate is a romantic idea of two people
who are perfect for each other. Do you see the flaw in that logic? No
two people ever match up like companion puzzle pieces. Perfection is
a great ideal, but not a very good expectation. Much of the charity
of love comes in accepting our differences and loving another any
Virtually every love song is well intended.
The emotions and fulfillment of loving relationships always will be
worthy material for sensitive melodies. A lot of the all-time best
songs are about love. It is certainly worthwhile to have a collection
of the music that you find most uplifting. "All you need is