From the heart and soul, mind and find....

These are all my poems, paintings, drawings and photographs,
they are copyrighted and cannot be taken and used by anyone without my express permission.

"With the World so New and All"
(baby giraffe)

*Field of Flowers*

I crest the hill.
The last vestige of man
gone from my eyes.

I stand entranced-
Looking at God's palette.

The flowers know I am here.
They make me helpless
with their siren song of fragrance.

Drawn like a moth to a flame-
I am in their embrace.

Casimir Saczynski

And so it should be
such a field

the life
this planet holds
bursting forth
in beauty

dancing in the wind
and sparkling dew

perhaps the bees
about their business
with the blooms
to seed anew

perhaps the bees
should touch

they do not
with joy
with awe
and drinking eyes


the bees will never
cease their
to turn a profit
with a shovel



Forest trail winds through
at each step
The songs considered

So many voices
Sharp and sweet

We find charming
(Note them down
On our list)
They find warning

Stay away from me!
This is my place
Not yours

Perhaps our
trills of guns
And bombs
booming from
One piece of land to the next

Are esthetically charming
To those circling aliens
Who check us off
On their
Spring list

As easily
And as with much joy
As I do
Cardinals and warblers
And hawks

The birds are serious
About land and nest
To raise their family

They sing
so that they do not have to fight

We are serious about oil
And power

We just fight

Admirable creatures, birds

"The Bouncer"
(Canada goose threat display)

Oh beautiful and blind stones.
Inarticulate and dumb.
In the deep gloom of their hearts-
there is a gleam of the primeval sun
that looked upon them when they were begotten.
So in the heart of man
there shines a beam forever
from the everlasting heart of God.
Unresponsive-Rude are the stones.
Yet in them divine things lay concealed.
I hear their imprisoned chant.
We are fragments of the universe.

Helen Keller

If god there is,
creator beyond peer,
intellect that made all,
started all a-flowing,

if there is such
a thing as god,
who shoves minute
vibrating strings
and apart,

and sets
their twanging
to god's studied whim,

a god who brackets
the universe
with time,

if there is
such a thing
as god,

pawing adoration,
and posturing,
singing praises,
and killing neighbors,
and leaving poison
to choke
this home

is well ignored.

I do not believe
there is a god,
that pries into our
every breath,
to measure worth,
and judge,
squash to hell,
or lift to glory.
It is
our shameful
that makes us
feel like kings,
to trash our

while we look
for a parent/god to
pat our heads,
and say "well done",
and that
we are right,
and those other fools
are wrong!

I can believe
that there is
a god
who shines
within every stone,

and twangs
the strings
that build,

and closes
the universe with

That god
we will never know!

But we can stop,
and marvel,

that we
and wondering,
and seeking,
and finding.

It is enough for me!

"Toothed Dragon"

the sleeping dragon has stirred,
twitching one wing
her dream-thoughts are spiral galaxies,
filled with stars
that explode and spew in silence,
while they create the stuff
that glues us all

the dragon smiles in her sleep...............

(to Wayne)

water and sand
carved the tree
and the swoop of the branch
- the white sun
aching the colors

there it lies
for you
to take and shape
with your vision's blade!

make love in the sands and the sea,
it will show in the branch
from the tree.

(to michael carrico)

"Espanola Stroller"
(Pied Oystercatcher, Galapagos Isalands)

"Trilliums at Thickson's Woods"

Light in the early hours
the sun stabs the sky
and the song of birds,
begun in the dark,
seems to gladden
with its greeting
(or is it me?)

the chill of night
gives way
to the warm,
and the fragrance
of green things growing
ladens the air

I rise and go out-
The birds, the BIRDS-

And as I search
and list their kind,
chasing their tiny flashes
of colour

the damp earth
with life unfolding-
the tulips open

and the gold and green
of new life leaves
draws the air inside
to form and change
and give me back
the right to breathe


(to Bailey and Spring)

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