Michael's World Logo

Welcome to Michael's, aka Silvan's World!

The web is clogged with pointless little personal home pages, and this is mine.

Bored Rosegarden users who wandered to this little patch of drivel might be more interested in seeing "Using Rosegarden"

My site is divided into several areas, accessed via the buttons below. If you've been here before, there's nothing new to see except for the freshly-added workshop page, and an update of my bio.
This page has been accessed Counter times since 2-11-2001

About Me Nature Trains
Trucks Music Home

All images, MIDI sequences and the content of this site are
Copyright © 2003 by D. Michael McIntyre.

This page last updated 7-25-2004. 
Copyright © 2003 by D. Michael McIntyre, all rights reserved.