Below you, the readers, will find a poem. This is one of the first poems that you will read that I actually did not write. Instead this poem was written for me by a very dear friend. His name is Colin A.K.A. The Knight. If you find that you like this poem, please be kind enough to E-Mail him and let him know.

The Knight

" The Seduction"

Kisses like a summer breeze. The soft caress of silk on freshly perfumed skin. The shine of desire in smoldering gray eyes. The gentle caress of a tongues tip on your earlobe. The feather like touch of finger tips traveling up and down your back. The smell of roses and lilacs in the air. Candlelight illuminates the room. Fingers caressing your cheek. The words "I love you" being spoken. All these things make for a night of unsurpassed passion.

By: Colin Johnson

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