Bill Olson


The people below are only human and therefore not perfect,
but if perfection were the prerequisite, there would be no heroes.

It's not possible to include all my heroes on this list, every day I meet another.
But I hope to provide a sample of behaviors, attitudes and values to emulate.

Definitely I do not want to fall into the depravity of listing enemies.  

I hope these heroes will inspire you to always strive to be a better person.



MOM and DAD - For first putting me here, then putting up with me, and teaching my to be honest and law-abiding.

BILL BAIRD - A pro-choice activist who has risked his life to defend the constitutional rights of women.

LEO BUSCAGLIA - Philosopher and professor who taught how to love oneself and those around us.

LISA CAMPBELL - She came to my rescue one time when some people viciously attacked me for expressing unpopular views.  Lisa did not agree with my views, but she defended me as a person and asked the others to focus on the issues.  For that, she will always be one of my special heroes.  In 2002, she's beginning work to improve literacy among poor people.  She is a good person who cares about others.

JAMES EARL "JIMMY" CARTER - (Nuclear physicist, submarine commander, president of the United States, volunteer, diplomat) For his humanitarian work, his international diplomacy and his attitude of love, honesty and compassion.

JOHN DENVER - A singer and song writer who had written beautiful songs about the country and committed his life to defending the environment.

ALBERT EINSTEIN - (Theoretical physicist, peace advocate) For his discoveries and his advocacy of world peace.

BEN FRANKLIN - (Scientist, humorist, printer, ambassador, statesman, writer, philosopher) For his humor, restlessness, honesty and ability to grow as a person.

MAHATMA GHANDI - (Lawyer, liberation activist) For seeking freedom through peaceful means.

DON HAUBLE - (Lawyer, teacher of children and law) For being a beacon of kindness.

HUBERT H. "SKIP" HUMPHREY, III - (Lawyer, statesman) Who, as Minnesota's Attorney General, supported the cause of defending all people against injustice and victimization.

THOMAS JEFFERSON - (Writer, philosopher, farmer, musician, president of the United States) For his clever turn of phrase, sundry opinions and defense of personal freedom.

SAMANTHA KHURY - (Animal psychologist) For being attuned to animals as our equals.

REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING - (Theologian, civil rights activist) For seeking freedom through peaceful means.

DR. C. EVERETT KOOP - A physician and surgeon general who dared to veer from the safe course for the sake of others.

THOMAS V. OLSON - (My brother) For his kindness, honesty and acceptance of me even when we disagree.

GREGORY PALAST - (Investigative journalist) For not cultivating the laziness of other U.S. journalists.  He's worked hard to inform the public about how the elite are abusing their power and privilege. 

CHRISTOPHER REEVE - (Actor) For his courage and inspiration following a tragic accident.

ROBERT REICH - (Professor) The former U.S. secretary of labor, who's sense of humor gives joy, and who has worked hard to defend the "little guy" (no pun intended) against exploitation from business leaders.

ROB REINER - (Actor, filmmaker) For his social activism, his commitment toward honesty, his stance against the tobacco industry and his ethical attitude toward filmmaking.

GENE RODDENBERRY - (Philosopher, poet, pilot, TV writer and producer) For giving me joy, inspiration, and for teaching peaceful means of conflict-resolution and acceptance of others unlike myself.

FRED "MR." ROGERS - (Theologian, TV children's show personality) who has no mean bone in his body.

CARL SAGAN - (Author, astronomer) For his ability to make science fun and understandable and for his courage to speak out against irrational thinking.

MARY SCHIAVO - (Former Department of Transportation inspector general) For her strong criticism of the FAA, that it often fails to impose safety regulations because they would cost the airlines money.

ALBERT SCHWEITZER - (Humanitarian) For his humanitarianism to all "people," no matter their species.

SOCRATES - (Philosopher) for his humility and method of making people think.

DIANA SPENCER - (Princess of Whales) For her humanitarian work.

DR. BENJAMIN SPOCK - (Pediatrician, peace activist) For defending all of us from individual errors and world-shattering stupidity.

ISAAC STERN - (Musician) For his music and kind heart.

HUGH THOMPSON - A United States Army helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War who put himself in the line of fire to protect innocent civilians from out-of-control U.S. troops at My Lai in March 1968.

WANG DAN - Chinese political activist who fought to improve the lives of his people.

SHANNON WRIGHT - A school teacher in Jonesboro, Arkansas, who gave her life to save sixth-grader Emma Pittman from gunfire.


AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - For helping those whose voices have been silenced.

GREENPEACE - For trying to protect the Earth and all its inhabitants from artificial dangers.

PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY - For trying to protect our constitutional rights without protecting criminals.

DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS - For saving lives, even at the expense of wealth.

THE SIERRA CLUB - For trying to protect the environment.

THE U.S. CONGRESSIONAL GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE - For trying to keep the county on the strait and narrow.



WOODY ALLEN - Comedian, musician, playwright, filmmaker who's art inspires me and gives me joy.

NEIL ARMSTRONG - (Astronaut, first human on the Moon,) who's courageous adventure has inspired me and changed the world forever.

MICHAEL CIRESE - Attorney who lead the Minnesota anti-tobacco lawsuit to victory.

EILEEN COLLINS - First female space shuttle commander.

WILLIAM SHATNER - Actor, star of "Star Trek," for portraying a hero I want to be.


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