Winter is our busy season here at Big Al's. We have lots of seasonal visitors who come enjoy our hospitality!


Blackie, our favorite blue Runner, is our Master of Ceremonies at Chow Call-the Rest of the Runners are never far behind.

Chow time at the Farm-Blackie and Stumpy in foreground ready to rock (left), Blackie says grace as the others dig in (right)!


A special Christmas dinner for the Earlybirds - bagels a la Purina Duck Chow garnished with Chilean seedless grapes (bagels courtesy of Bagels and Beyond, Beach Haven West, NJ)

2am, wind chill below zero! Blackie dances for a late night snack. Stumpy, Princess, and Brutus wonder what happened to the Marshmallow Fluff!

"You talkin' to ME?" Randy the Runner hams it up for the camera.

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page last updated January 10, 2001