          The Genus was constructed by Eccles and Trewavas in 1989 to contain about 13 species at the time. The name is tken from the Greek Protos which meaning primary and Melos meaning black. this refers to the basic coloration of the cichlid.
Protomelas Annectens
    The Annectens was described by Regan in 1992 as Crytocara Annectens. The name comes from Lattin which means bridging or annexing. There found throughout the lake AD Koning calls these one of the blue sand-dwellers, there found in the shallow waters and with the larger sand  dwellers. There attracted to any moving object that stirs up some sediment to eat food that was stirred up.The Cyrtocara Moorii do the same in the wild.These cichlids are fairly peaceful and several males may be kept together in the aquarium if you have enough females for the males.Dominant males in an excited conditions are almost black,but the normal breeding color of the males is a dark purple running from dark blue on their backsto black on their bellies and lower fins.
Size: males 8", females 6"
Trade Names:Haplochromis Annectens.